


3 years, 6 months ago


[♫ The Go! Team - Mayday]

"D-don't worry about me! I'll be fine..."
Mabait, they/them/theirs

Mabait's a cheerful, sprightly young Patapon.  They're a social butterfly with a rather positive personality and general outlook on life, despite their bizarre, almost deadly past- and maybe even their current situation. Mabait's no stranger to bad times, however... for they, at some point, suffered from a terrible illness, and apparently even have the fading scars to show for it. No one's quite sure where they had gotten it from. One thing's for certain, as their history rarely gets in their way; they're just as spunky and energetic as you'd expect them to be! A bit clumsy, though, and it's quite easy to gain their trust.

Mabait has quite a few interesting quirks and hobbies. It's quite difficult for them to sleep without something soft nearby and they seem to make a quiet, almost purring sound when they're cozy enough. They also quite enjoy making friendship bracelets in their free time, and typically give them to those they trust.


  • Quail: Mabait's a bit clingy towards him for some reason. The two get along fairly well, but Quail doesn't understand why they consider him such a close friend.
  • Kyarushimu: Also puts a lot of trust into her. She doesn't seem to mind it.
  • Onyx: Mabait wants to get along with them, but no one's too sure if their efforts are in vain or not. They seem to appreciate the sentiment at least a little, though, so... win?