Sobia Berkie Beckett



3 years, 7 months ago


7th january
he / they
rel. status
married /

just a lil guy out there in this big world, mostly glued to his graphic tablet while his husband is stuck with that baseball business ugh!
sobia is someone who pretty much neglects himself emotionally but somehow pulls through all the time. a strong soldier right here, huh?

known on the internet under the username
@/caracalcottoncat and uses the alias cotton!


  • suffers from ptsd and he's always slightly scared to open any door whenever he enters any place, especially his own apartment
    • wants to join milan's gang for a while now and even if he's being sat down multiple times by zachary telling him that gang activities are not only "beating up people for fun", it still flies over his head. the possible cause for why he blocks out the reality of people getting killed there is most likely the trauma of seeing mina's dead body on the crime scene
    • has heavy attachement issues and getting him a white cat named mochi to keep company helps him cope with loneliness more
    • insecure about his height, build and specific parts of his body
  • he rigs a lot of 2D/3D models for vtubers. vtubers are like 80% of his customers
  • besides 3D his favorite activity is just skygazing at the rooftop of his complex. he loves loves LOVES being outdoors. he also loves doing concept art and character designing for a quick cash in the meanwhile
  • lives together with zachary and lives in the same complex as ray, laika, luna and lynx. pretty lively for a neighborhood huh?
  • owns a nailed baseball bat that is his pride and joy
  • loves retrofuturism
  • zachary often calls him "cotton candy"
  • owns a butterfly knife and can do many tricks with it
  • his eyes are extremely sensitive to direct light so he always needs to carry shaded glasses around just in case
  • owns two stuffed animals (unicorn & shiba inu) that he got from zachary as gifts. sleeps with them and puts them next to him whenever zach is away
  • somehow has a lot of strength if he really wants to, he already beat some people up really badly in past (please don't tell anyone)
  • smells rather sweet but more on floral tone
Design notes

  • choppy, long, thick hair
  • strong freckles
  • sun-kissed skin
  • braces
  • eyebags
  • slim body type
  • 154 cm, ~170 cm on platforms
  • engagement and wedding rings on left ring finger
  • ripped earlobes
  • ears piercings
  • a scar across the left side of his lips

he always had trouble making friends so the current little group of friends he has is the most precious thing to him ever. in past he always tried to follow the trends and copy other people's personality traits to become likeable, but he ended up being known as the "little copycat" while he still lived in nxc.

he moved out to berkton after his parents killed mina in 2018.

he isn't the most innocent guy since he easily can push people's buttons to start a fight in the streets just for the fun of it and a little adrenaline rush. but it's the kindness that gets to him most and makes him overly attached to people that simply want to spend time with him.

strong language and not being able to bite his tongue in time easily creates pointless fights between him and his friends, but at least he admits his fault and apologizes shortly after. he deeply cares about people close to him, obviously. he has an absolutely golden heart to the closest to him, and by that we obviously mean his husband, zachary.

zachary beckett husband / flatmate

hubby bubby i miss you so much all the time come here i wanna kiss you lots and lots i love you i love you i love you you're my darling!!!

gion manuel best friend

best friend for life. i used to get into fights with him a lot to the point he ended up in er becaue of me once but i cut it off after the incident he ended up in like a year ago i think. i care about him a ton

florent charron good friend

not as close as zach and gion but i really treasure him as my friend still, he always seems so genuine and kind hearted

milan leroy friend

gang leader friend isn't that so cool 😼 also known as momlan hes p cool i like to hang out with him even if it happens quite rarely

ray kiely friend / neighbor

he has a bunny named yukine and mochi has a crush on her they're girlfriends.


she's a sweet soul and made sure i'm safe and healing after the incidents with dione. i need to see her again, she's so nice

xylo forrey friend

well i mean!!! him finding my ass after all those years is mad impressive, congrats!! ! as silly as always🤨

kingfisher & sunrice customers

my most precious customers ok. i watch their streams from time to time and they're such lovebirds. my sweet children

ash blois idol?

the only short-term but genuine college friend i had, ex-crush and still an idol as i check up on their career on the internet. glad that they seem to be doing well

liu dione hate

insane bitch ass!! jealous piece of shit no wonder zach ditched you girl!

patrick gwidon disgust

he scared the shit out of me once while i was outdoors this ugly ass bitch still compares me to ash in a weird way like godness gracious you're obsessed man go to rehab or something

mina bishop older brother

i miss you, you didn't deserve that and i wish you were still here with me. thank you for visiting me in my dreams, i appreciate that a lot