Kenji Yamamoto (DRcade 1&2)



11 months, 16 days ago

Basic Info






20 [Warden] 26 [Kenji]




Lion Tamer

Online Alias



British [Warden] Japanese [Kenji]



during the original DRCade, Kenji played as Warden Grey - someone who to most seemed like a simple businessman, managing stocks in his free time. However, his true talent lied with the art of lion taming. As Warden, he became well known for his acts of taming ferocious beasts - the lion being his ‘signature act’ - that he’s managed to run a business out of it.  

As Warden, Kenji is soft spoken, despite his background, unless he feels it necessary to raise his voice. He often reminds people to take a breather now and then, as he knows far too well how beasts - human or animals - can act when under pressure. He speaks with a slight English accent, as he used to live in England in his younger years. 

That said, the true goal that Kenji had in mind with Warden was that he wanted to have his character to look cooler than he was irl. Unlike Warden, Kenji is prone to bouts of anger, as he used DRcade as a way to vent out stress. 

After the events of DRcade, he chose to change his appearance through the work of the game's AI. With his appearance looking like Warden, Kenji at first thrilled - but soon enough, becomes unsure about his decision. 

DRcade 2:

After the events of DRcade, Kenji spent his time juggling his new life as Warden. His struggle to 'be' Warden, while worrying that he'd truly lose the identity he had as 'Kenji' forever, results in his occupation shifting a to darker, shadier kind, and becomes rather notable in the unnamed Organization's management. Due to his work there, especially his connection to assisting the assassins in getting away when things got dangerous for them, Warden is eventually captured and, in a strange twist of fate, finds himself in DRcade once again, this time as his prior self -  Kenji.

Thinking at first that he honestly joined the game to find Mothman.exe again, Warden discards his kind demeanor to bring back what he recalls as being 'Kenji'. However, when he learns that this game is very different than what he knows, he decides to draw back some of his prickly remarks for the sake of the younger members of the group, especially Obai. 

By the end of the game, Warden spends much of his time keeping in touch with the others, and slowly has come to terms with the fact that, perhaps, rather than being either 'Warden' or 'Kenji', he can be both -- each of them being a part of who he is. While he doesn't work to assist the assassins anymore, Warden occasionally assists Nikola in gathering information on the ex-organization members who failed to overthrow the company.

Other Info:

  • Warden likes Chairs (folding or not), cats, office supplies, and cute things (but doesn’t like to admit it), but dislikes anything that is the color purple (particularly if it’s cute), and arguments that are started without a reason/petty reasons. His favorite gift is the Indiana Jones Whip.
  • Post game, when asked to change his appearance to that of his avatar's, Kenji said yes. However, he quickly grew to struggle with who he was now -- how much of Kenji was left? was he truly all gone? Or could he still call himself him, but simply have Warden's face? Post DRcade2, he's started to accept himself for who he is, and that he has more control of deciding that than he first assumed.