


7 years, 3 months ago



Basic Info
Casper Whiss
March 1st
5'2 / 158cm
Male (He/Him)
Mai (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Blood type
Bisexual / Biromantic
Psychotherapist / Volunteer
  • Dark Roast Coffee
  • Menhera 
  • Days Off / PTO
  • Legible Handwriting
  • Decaf Anything
  • Packed Schedules
  • Speed Dating / Blind Dates
  • Hospital Food
  • Works 7 days a week, 6am to 7pm. A psychotherapist on the weekdays and a hospital volunteer on the weekends. He only gets time off for the holidays and when his assistance is not needed at the hospital. He's a hair away from a breakdown.

  • When stressed, he stims by tapping his nails on objects such as books, tables, and walls.

  • He suffers from chronic migraines, something that stemmed during childhood. He cannot handle bright lights, loud sounds, or multiple conversations going on at once. He is currently taking medication for his symptoms.

  • Casper's work attire is pretty bland compared to his everyday clothes. He wears either white or neutral colors when he is at work mostly cardigans or button ups.

  • He has a few permanent scars on his neck that had been caused by trauma.

  • He is farsighted and is required to wear glasses. He can see distant objects clearly, but objects nearby may come off as a blur to him.

  • Not an animal person at all. He thinks they're cute but would never own a pet himself. 


Stern . Considerate . Mature . Tender . Well-Balanced . Stressed . Sympathetic . Dark Humored
"Should I kill myself or have another cup of coffee."

Casper is a stern individual with a rigorous outlook and attitude. He is mature as a person and is quick to find good solutions to other people's problems. In most situations, he maintains a firm stance, refusing to be swayed by anyone under any means. He is sympathetic to others, but he comes across as blunt or forthright, and he thinks intellectually rather than emotionally. When his earnestness is overshadowed by comical people or those who refuse to take him seriously, he can become very irritated. But even despite it, he still remains pretty calm. He prefers to keep things in order and not allow his emotions to get the better of him. His profession is very important to him, and his key objective is to research and treat those who are in need. Casper is a psychotherapist who sees a number of clients each day.

Despite being emotionally well-balanced, he can be annoyed by clients who try to go against him or are unwilling to change. It doesn't deter him in the least though; in fact, it teaches him patience so that he can try even more to help the individual in question. He genuinely wants to see people do better, no matter how repulsive they can be. He tends to sigh and rub his temples a lot to reduce stress, to which he experiences daily.

His humor is darker than the dark roast coffee that he drinks. He's rather particular with who he shares this humor with. He doesn't wish to trigger or upset anyone.


Casper's birth was a traumatic one, with his mother enduring hours of child labor and excruciating agony before requiring a C-section. She was in and out of consciousness, struggling to keep her vitality for her baby. Doctors tried everything possible to assist her, and after ten hours of absolute calamity, Casper was born. Unfortunately, Casper's mother did not make it and passed away shortly after. His father, Benjamin, was present to witness the horrid tragedy that unfolded in the hospital room. He was so devastated and lost that even the birth of his son couldn't bring him happiness. He felt as if a part of him had been stripped away.

After hearing about the death of Benjamin's wife, his sister offered to help Benjamin watch after Casper while he grieved over his loss. Casper was sent to his aunts where he was carefully cared for and nurtured from the time he was a newborn until he was four years of age. He didn't see much of his father, and when he did, encounters were timid and unpleasant. His father sought to prevent associating with him and stayed far away for long periods of time. Benjamin, as terrible as he felt, silently hated Casper and blamed him for his wife's death. He couldn't bear to look him in the eyes without feeling weeps of sorrow. This led to a few arguments to break through between his sister and him. His sister called him a terrible father while he argued that wasn't the case. The tension grew so thick that Benjamin decided he wanted nothing to do with her, and when Casper was old enough to be out of diapers, his father took him back from his sister's care and cut contact with her altogether.

They relocated from a lovely home in Willowdale to a less-than-desirable apartment in Whitewoods. Yolanda, his wife's friend, recommended that he move closer to her and her husband to help keep an eye on Casper. His father was a psychiatrist, so the extra assistance was much required, especially now that Casper was starting preschool and needed transportation to and from school. He took them up on their offer and moved in close proximity; being next door neighbors. Casper found Yolanda and her husband to be strict and overbearing. Their son, Parfait, was really the only reason he ever looked forward to going over to their apartment.

Parfait and Casper grew an inseparable bond (wip)




Parfait | Childhood Friend
"If you die, take me with you."



Luna | Client
"I cannot help you if you do not talk."

Luna is by far the most difficult of clients he's ever had, which is saying a lot considering he's dealt with a lot of obstinate people. Luna refuses to cooperate with Casper and frequently veers off topic. Casper wants to assist Luna in overcoming his problems, but he is unable to do so if Luna refuses to comply. Luna is quite apprehensive about discussing his fear, or even girls in general, which makes things tough for him. He considers dismissing Luna or transferring him to another therapist, but he can't help but believe he can still give Luna succor.


Dr. Bean | Boss
"Sir, why are you still performing surgery on him? The patient stopped breathing an hour ago." 



Ginger | Annoyed
"For the last time. No."
