Joe Morgan



3 years, 7 months ago


ruNwY1s.png "I'm doing my best, hopefully that'll be enough."

If you're looking for the FFXIV version of Joe, see this tab.


I’ve got this secret I can’t tell anybody 
Behind my smile is shadow 
It’s not that I want to discover an unknown side of me 
It’s not like that
Name Joe A. Morgan
Name Pronunciation/dʒəʊ/
OrientationFiguring that out
OccupationMobile Suit Pilot
Status Single
Design Notes
  • Ethnically appears to be Eurasian.
  • Left eye is green, right is blue. Can be drawn with oval framed glasses.
  • Hair can either be cut rather short or reach his shoulders, but never ties it back or buzzes it.
  • Has teeth that are slightly too large for his mouth, especially his canines and lateral incisors (which are pointed). Rarely smiles with mouth open. His teeth can sometimes be seen when his lips are closed.
  • Has tons of scars, mostly concentrated on his outer forearms and shoulders. None of them are consistent save for his inner left wrist (shaped like a grid).
  • Missing part of his right pinky finger.
  • His teal pilot suit and brown cloak are references to Ryoma of Getter Robo, but he's more likely to wear a regular Londo Bell flight suit.

On the outside, Joe is reclusive and shy, the only exception to that would be when he is in the company of those he feels comfortable with, or if a particular subject catches his attention (music and insects are his favorites). When not hiding behind his violin or guitar, Joe is dutiful, soft-spoken, emotional and extremely sensitive, outwardly exhibiting all the courage and grace of a kicked puppy. A large part of his personality is still dominated by past trauma that he's still processing, which unfortunately manifests in his introversion at best, and night terrors and flashbacks at worst.

Hiding underneath his somewhat vulnerable exterior and oversized coats is a strong willed, pragmatic and determined warrior who is willing to fight when he's needed. He's motivated to protect his family and people as a whole. He feels it's his responsibility to do whatever it takes to ensure his loved ones' safety - even at the cost of his own well being. 

Whether in flight or fight mode, Joe is able to acknowledge his own weaknesses and unfamiliarity with certain things, particularly his combat abilities or social situations, and often relies on hastily made plans instead of his strength when in a fight. Over all, he prefers to pursue diplomatic solutions before engaging in combat.

  • Has his own custom Mobile Suit, the RX-251 Gundam Starburst.
  • Loves hanging out with kids, in particular he remains close friends with Shinta and Qum.
  • Knows how to play a few musical instruments and sing, but the violin and acoustic guitar seem to be his favorites.
  • Loves musicals too, with his favorites being The Count of Monte Cristo and Cats.
  • Has two pet African giant millipedes named Sally and Dorothy. 
  • Is fluent in both English and Japanese. 
  • Often keeps at least one weapon on his person, usually a collapsible baton.
Transcending Times

Joe's powerfully attuned Newtype abilities allow him to see roughly five minutes into the future and about the same length of time backwards. Occasionally, Joe will receive visions from further in the future, though their time and relevancy is often a mystery to him.

He has used this ability to travel through time, by finding where anomalies in time made by other Newtypes have been made.

Newtype Projection

Allows him to enter a special realm accessible only to powerful or attuned Newtypes. 

Mixed Martial Arts
Joe was very fortunate to develop martial arts style that suits his somewhat small size and quick speed, incorporating elements of bajiquan, jujutsu, and muay thai. He is also quite proficient with all sorts of close range melee weapons, with short-handled axes or tomahawks being his favorites.


Joe is from a future where many factors, including the loss of his parents shortly after he was born, the fallout of Hathaway's Flash, and the crumbling of the Earth Federation, gave him a rather unhappy start in life. As a baby, he was separated from his twin sister during a raid on a Federation base where he was being sheltered. He was raised in a remote area of Senegal by a man named Aisawa who was aware of Joe's newtype potential. While Joe was taught how to survive, pilot, and fight in close quarters, Aisawa was a detached and abusive caretaker. Joe's abilities as a newtype were developed enough when he was sixteen or so (he was never sure about the exact year he was born) for him to travel through time, and he set out with an inherited mobile suit with the goal of saving his parents and stopping the events in his future from occurring. 

Ultimately, Joe is hesitant to talk about this stage in his life, but it is heavily implied that he did not succeed his self imposed mission the first time, and as a consequence, witnessed the deaths of his friends and family multiple times. However, he has settled into living with his current family (albeit at an awkwardly close age to his parents), balancing self-study, his unique hobbies, and mobile suit piloting.