Moses Hazaiah



3 years, 11 months ago


CHaracter Sheet

Name Moses Hazaiah

AgeYoung Adult

Gender Male

Species Fox

Role Herbal Medicine Salesman


Moses Hazaiah is a herbal salesman on the outskirts of the Dog Kingdom, selling both recreational and pain-relieving medicine. His past is mostly unknown as locals say that he simply appeared out of the blue, but nobody pays that much mind as his medicine has been found to be very effective at helping to unwind and relax. On the weekdays, he is tending to his small shop making new medicines and talking to customers to figure out which medicine best fits them. On the weekends, he goes to the nearby fields and forests to collect herbs to make new medicine. No one is quite sure what type of herbs he collects, as everything he does is in total secret.

"If you have any pains, get a plant to wash it aways."

HTML by Eggy

Name Griffith Aquilos
AgeYoung Adult
Gender Male
Species Fox
Role Fox Kingdom Prince


Griffith Aquilos is the older prince of the Fox Kingdom. He is the oldest child of the deceased Fox King and was supposed to be the one who was to first succeed his father's throne. However, not long before the King's unexpected death, he and his younger brother and sister were sent to the Dog Kingdom to settle some complications with a new trade route that had seemingly had no traffic since it was implemented. As they were headed down that very route, however, a dangerous band of unknowns had attacked him, his siblings, and his accompanying escort team. He had run for his life, escaping amidst all of the panic and confusion and leaving everyone else to fend for himself. No one but him survived, the band having made sure to clear out anyone left alive. Afterward, he ran off from the scene of the crime to a local town, doing his best to change his entire identity from the way he looks and dresses down to the way he talks. Ever since he had been trying to find out why he was attacked in the first place and how they knew he and his siblings would be passing by at that time.

"Some say blood is thicker than water, but personally I would rather have a cup of water than a cup of blood."