


3 years, 10 months ago



Name Princess Isadona of Melabane, First of her Name
Called Isadona, Isa, Dona, Her Highness
Age 20, almost 21
Gender she/her/hers
Race Half Fae
Role Melabane's Crown Princess
Alignment Good
Theme Playlist

Isadona is Melabane's Crown Princess, less than a month away from her crowning ceremony. Upon one morning, her family discovered she has gone missing, causing them to call for a counsil meeting. Such a meeting is only called in cases of extreme importance, letting her citizens know that comething is going on, but leaaving them in the dark about what exactly has happened.


  • her kingdom
  • her family
  • Siafra and Dralst's antics
  • girls


  • her need to be perfect
  • the pressure she's under
  • her people's wariness of her just because of her mother
  • seafood


It is no secret that Isadona was born out of wedlock, and from a Fae. While Fae (and Half-Fae) are by no means an uncommon sight in the world, the Fae's slight shapeshifting abilities allow them to blend in or stand out as they see fit. But Half-Fae do not inheirit that ability and cannot blend in the same way. Melabane may be the most accepting of magical creatures, but Fae scare a lot of humans. Isadona is lucky in that she was born into a royal family, and in the capital where people are particularly uncaring about a person's race, there are places along the borders that are stll wary.


Isadona feels like she needs to be perfect all the time. with her coronation coming up, she feels like she might burst. She doesn't want to fail her country, or her family, but the constant alertness is starting to get to her. She's afraid to ask her uncle for help despite him raising her, beacuse she's worried her coronation might get postponed. And everyone knows a postponed coronation is a bad omen and will lead to problems in the reign.

Her Disapearence

Her worry seemed to be founded. A month before her coronation ceremony, the rest of the royal family woke up to find Isadona missing. No valubles were missing, no clothes gone from her closet, her bed still made. She was just gone. Since the other kingdoms were on their way for her ceremony, Isadona's uncle and aunt called for a Counsel, a meeting of all the royal families to discuss what needs to be done. It was there that it was discovered by the head mages that magic was heavily cloaking Isadona's room. Someone with immence magical power stole the crown princess, a magical being that can be summoned and made to do its summoner's will. Forbidden magic. The creature was likely commanded to take her to its origin, its home. This is heavily concerning, as all magic originates in The Forbiddens. A land across the sea that nobody can go back to after they've left.



Siafra [ friend ]

Siafra and Isadona grew up together, being two of the three royal children who were the same age. Siafra's mother was close friends with both Isadons's father and uncle, and would plan for the children to meet every summer to keep alliences and friendships current.


Dralst [ friend ]

Dralst and Isadona grew up together, being two of the three royal children who were the same age. Dralst's mother was close friends with both Isadons's father and uncle, and would plan for the children to meet every summer to keep alliences and friendships current. While Isadona and Dralst are close, they never got as close as Siafra and Isadona.


The Fool [ ally ]

While Isadona grew up watching one of Nadelle's Fools performing at counsels, and tournaments, she never got close to her, not like the twins. Where the twins forced their way to talk to the Fools, Isadona just watched. And by watching, she knows that the Fool would never intentionally hurt anybody, and that she would be a good listener if Isadona ever needed one.


Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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