Sunny (Shadow)



10 months, 4 days ago


Shadow, the Umbra Hunter, is serious in nature, and it (she?) would really prefer to be alone. It knows that removing the scarf is dangerous, but it has tried to do so several times before (but ends up being stopped by Sunny every time it tries, to it's dismay). It doesn't like Sunny at all, and does want her to leave, but hasn't found a safe way to do so aside from switching which Angenhme Seite it is with, which most likely proves that the two sides have to live together, no matter what.


Shadow's actually not interested in hurting others. It/she's more frustrated about her situation than genuinely cruel. From what I'm gathering, she's pretty much stuck to Sunny and unable to exist as her own separate being. Maybe she's secretly envious of Sunny's friends and life? She feels like she'll always be in Sunny's shadow, pardon the pun. That she'll only ever be seen by others as Sunny's "bad side" instead of being respected for her own self. Maybe, sometimes, she looks at Sunny and thinks, "You're soft and silly. Why do they like *you*?"

She feels trapped and disliked for no good reason and not seen, and she lashes out because of that. - by CloudedOtter