


3 years, 7 months ago


Kawabata the lion


"Do you want to know why they call me the Lion?"


Name: Kawabata
Age: 48 (presumed)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual (polyamorous)
Height: 5'9 ft
Build: Scrawny 
Demeanor: Charming
Occupation: Kabuki Actor


  • Performing
  • Animals
  • Drinking
  • Travelling 
  • Attention
  • Giving Advice


  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???


Kawabata has wizened with age and experienced. He is very adventurous even though people tell him he should quit while he's ahead. Kawabata doesn't believe that his glory days are behind him. He travels with his acting group all across the country. He's seen many things and has learned even more from stories he's heard as well. He's very open minded but still well versed in tradition.

Kawabata can seem a bit cold upon first meeting him because of his confidence. However, he is a very generous and affectionate man. He will take those he sees something in under his wing: Habiki and Hina are examples of that. Both his proteges.

The lion

Kawabata is more famously known as "Kawabata the Lion." This is both because of the strong characters he portrays on the stage as well as the gorgeous mane of hair he's always seen in. While Lion wigs are common in kabuki theater, some fans believe that it is  Kawabata's real hair because he often wears it off the stage and he conducts himself so beautifully and naturally with it.

Kawabata is used to the limelight, and therefore, he is used to rumors being spread about him. He doesn't particularly mind them, whether they are good or bad. He just does his own thing and doesn't let others define him. But if the rumors keep people coming back to see their performances, then the more the merrier. People talk about his sexuality, his hair, his body, his looks, his sensuality, his talent, his past.  Though most are quiet and respectful about their opinions, there still reach Kawabata's ears. People have different opinions on all of his life, but of course, only he knows the full story. He one day hopes to tell it in a story of his own and put it on stage.

Of course, Kawabata had to start out as an apprentice too. He was (and still is) quite promiscuous back in the day, and he originally did a lot of sex work on the side rather than focusing on his craft, but he soon became entranced with the art and wanted to master it as well.


  • He's basically the unspoken leader of the troupe

HTML by lowkeywicked

Created: September 15 2020