


3 years, 7 months ago


Hina the Protege


"You don't need to be so shy around me. I'll protect you, dear."


Name: Hina
Age: 37 (presumed)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual (polyamorous)
Height: 5'7 ft
Build: Broad
Demeanor: Bubbly
Occupation: Kabuki Performer


  • Kawabata
  • Habiki
  • Eating
  • Dancing


  • Rules


Hina is always bubbling and inviting. She's experienced in the world, but not dragged down by it. She's still full of life and always claims she will forever be young at heart. She is always living in the moment. 

People joke that she is quite hungry and always looking for someone to fawn over.

She is always trying to break the norm and bend the rules and make something new. 

The lioness

Hina was discovered at a young age by Kawabata. He was taken with her beauty and her personality. Although women were banned from kabuki theatre, due to her broad figure and ambiguous features and silky deep voice, Hina was able to pass as male, and she'd play both female and male roles on stage. Kawabata found this androgyny and range of hers to be very intoxicating, and he wanted to teach her everything he knew. She was quite keen on this and wanted to teach him a few things too. Some say that Hina is the reason for Kawabata becoming more kind and soft. They've been companions and co-workers for a long time now. 

Hina was the one who first spotted Habiki and pointed them out to Kawabata. She thought they could make something great out of Habiki. They were strange and quiet, but Hina became quite protective over them. She really wanted to help them open up and be comfortable with themself. 

Despite what one might think, Hina herself was very insecure in her younger years. But she found that baring a smile always made her feel better, and she was able to pass on joy to others as well. 


  • All of the trusted other performers in the troupe know that Hina is a woman otherwise seeing her naked backstage rather shamelessly would be quite the shock. 

HTML by lowkeywicked

Created: September 15 2020