


3 years, 6 months ago



species: bunshark(ml126) with  Ibex horns

hight: like cat but if not count head.. SHE SO SMOOOOOLLL!!!!!!



- will eat your stuff when you not lookin

- energetic very very much


- realy cute in a way

- fun!! adrenalin!!! >:)

- chaotic and energetic but there some shady tone in her acts

- loud as f

- were fighting with stray animals a lot

- lived in a beach, were people fed her, but then she were lost in a city and were picked up by animal controll

v   [after event of RAFT👁️]

- raft in the middle of ocean. each turn takes hp due to sun 

- they were living. very smart and ingeniiuble helping chewy and boby create water filter

- chewy snapoed and "mercy" killed banjo when shevwas on the verge of healph. hornet was screaming at chewy to just take hornets hat    both would've save chewys life 

- hornet, boby and toby geared up to kill chewy, but only hornet and boby geared up,   boby found a weapon and gifted it to hornet

- hornet killed chewy with the coowned weapon

    everything was right once again, revenge taken, new resourses had, no danger to life.   2 bunshark morsels (banjo n chewy) 4 people alive

    boby n hornet were about to dismember the meat and heal up, drink up too 

but suddently, and without warning

    - toby jumped and overthrown the raft with the intent to kill them both, boby n hornet.

hornet lodged in the trusty nail  to stay on, failed💥  and the nail lodged into their hand, thought they did stay on the raft.

    they started a screaming match with toby because he was killing them for canibalism and because they killed chewy.      while literaly killing 2 people    toby is as bad as them. disturbing last hope they had after a traumatic carnage

    toby shook the boat again

hornet lodged chewys knife into the boat too to stay on, because the nail hurt too bad.

    it failed

the waves hit her in the head and while drowning hornet looked upon her murderer with a smile, knowing she won.

toby no longer argued that its all hornets n bobys fault for his own actions.

and hornet plunged into darknes of the deep sea never(?) to resurface again