Minakami Mizutani



3 years, 7 months ago


Information | "Let's get down to business~! Let it rain~! Let it rain~!"
Minakami Mizutani [ 水上 水谷 ] | 17 [ May 31st ]
Also known as: The God of Water ( 
水の神 )
From: Villeurcourt
Identity: Female

Born into a relatively wealthy family, Minakami moved to Villeurcourt at the tender age of three years old. She's never really known her country of origin (Japan) as her parents refuse to tell her any stories about their life before having her (or even from before moving to Villeurcourt) - This has led to Minakami becoming increasingly frustrated and wanting to find out more about her origin and the rest of her family that still resides in Japan. 

Minakami came into contact with a secretive organization during her youth and was experimented on by them, she can not remember any of this but still feels the after effects - For example she has the strange ability to manipulate Water with her mind but whenever she tries to show someone it doesn't work. Her body is also naturally cold ever since the experiments which has caused intense worries in those around her, especially her parents who (also) were not aware of the Experiments conducted on her.

  1. Her favorite food is Orange Jelly and most types of Pudding (except Chocolate). She dislikes spicy food and Ice cream (somehow makes her catch colds).
  2. She likes wearing cute dresses with lots of decorations, she gets these dresses custom made by a seamstress in Villeurcourt. Her Mother would love if she wore more "normal" clothing but also wants her to be happy, so she lets her do whatever she wants. Her dad actively encourages her clothing choices.