Eridani £105



3 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Original Value

£85 + 20 = £105 | $147.16




Owner: Puddle                Species: Granthrax
Name: Eridani
Age: 6 years
Birthdate: September 13
Upload Date: February 21st, 2021
Sexuality: demisexual
Gender: female
Status: single
Parents: n/a                                   Cubs: Æschere, Iocaste (adopted)

Personality: Quiet and soft spoken, rather shy, but will speak out if she comes across something attacking another helpless creature. She may not be very strong, but she'll certainly try. Eri is rather anti-social and often gruff when she meets others, trying to put them off before they can ridicule her. At the same time, she wants to help others, like her adopted mother helped her. As a result, she’s often confused, giving off mixed signals of both wanting to help and wanting the gran to go away. She often comes across as overly aggressive to those who are aggressive back and has on occasion gotten into the middle of others’ problems when she sees what looks like a bully attacking another. Since the time she got in the middle of a sibling rivalry and nearly maimed one of them, Eri hesitates to get involved until it’s clear the lesser is crying for help. That has gotten her into trouble as well as she was too late to save the gran’s life. Both instances has caused her to pull further inside herself and has taken to hunting at night and sleeping in the daylight to avoid others, becoming fully nocturnal. Since the Veil released her, Eridanus has been traveling aimlessly, searching for a place to call home. Without knowledge of how long time has passed - or that it has passed at all - she has all but convinced herself Thatch was just a dream and the warmth and love of a family that she’d seen in snippets from others, was not something she deserved.

History: She doesn’t don’t remember much of their time before Thatch, only cold wind blinding and ice slicing through tender skin. Even as a cub, she worried about falling asleep, knowing it held more danger than the chill. Eri remembers loud voices, arguing while she tried to snuggle into the warmth between her siblings. She remembered being pulled away from that warmth with sharp claws and growls. Whimpering only brought pain as she was dragged across the cold ground, then dropped. She fell for a long time, then couldn’t breathe. Gasping for air only made her choke on water. The thrax got lucky when her front limbs snagged on something large enough that rolled just enough to get her head out of the water. She lay there for a long time, steadily getting weaker from cold wind, water and malnourishment. The next thing she remembered - the first clear memory - was warmth that stayed. A pale blob tucked her into its embrace and cooed softly, so much better than the harsh voices from earlier. She snuggled. Later, she was cleaned and fed. Slowly, her strength returned. When she first opened her eyes, the blond granthrow only smiled and tucked her odd cub against her with a soft murmur.

For months, Eridani struggled to learn to walk, the dead weight of her shaky body enough to make her scream, but Thatch only calmly helped her back up and convinced her to keep trying. Eventually, she gained enough strength to move freely. As Eri grew, she became stronger and was able to hunt for her beloved mother in exchange for warmth and a loving home. Thatch never spoke of where she’d found Eri, nor her own past, but occasionally the thrax caught sight of odd scarring across her adopted mother’s sides and wondered. In her mini-explorations as Thatch taught her of the surrounding forest, Eri discovered an owl’s nest when an owlet first learning to fly landed on her, but carefully returned it to its nest, thinking how heartless it seemed for birds to just let their babies fall in an effort to give them a life of their own. Thatch agreed the world was unfair, but it was also only a small percentage of what happened to each gran. The rest of their lives were spent in how they reacted to things, good or evil and sometimes, one only knew how well they could fly by jumping. Eri didn't understand, but then, her adopted mother occasionally spoke in riddles, but she had faith she would learn eventually. Eridani decided she wanted to travel around the time she was four summers old, to find a family of her own and maybe discover why she had been tossed out like refuse. Thatch cautioned her about everything she could, but let her go. For a year, Eri traveled, but only learned how heartless some grans were. She did find one or two kinder grans, but, coupled with her first hazy memories, they were nearly pushed to the back of her mind and forgotten.

Waking from a strange dream one evening, Eridani looked around the large forest and decided to find her way home again, only to find the cave empty, long cold and no sign of her adopted mother. No scent, no sign, nothing to say anyone had *ever* lived there at all. Confused, Eri moved back outside, but the forest itself held no answers. Had she dreamed up a new mother? Who had saved her from the river that cold night? Choked up and confused, Eridani moved on, unable to stay in the cold cave that didn’t feel like home any longer. She remembered the owlet and her mother’s words and searched for the tree, wondering if that had been a dream as well. To her confusion, there was only the long rotted and moss-covered fallen behemoth that remained.

Eridani continued 'haunting' her home forest until she ran into Sameya. The two quiet females merely accepted on another in their space and were more than willing to share territory. Eventually, Hydra and Lazuli joined them and later Chantily joined the 'club', becoming a small all-girl "pack". Slowly, but steadily, the more outgoing of the girls, namely Chanti and Hydra, pulled Eridani out of her shy shell and the five have become inseparable since. Laz wants to go find her best friend and bring him to the place she finally discovered was home, but hasn't had the courage to go find Almach and ask him.

Chantilly, Hydra, Lazuli and Eridani have come to live in Sameya's deep forest glen and the four girls struck up an odd sort of friendship. Sam enjoys being the 'ghost' that haunts the forest - in a sense, protecting the others, while Hydra is their warrior and Laz is the healer.

Random facts
---- Eridani has a snowy owl companion named Luna.
---- She loathes herself and has zero self-esteem, which gets lower every time she runs across someone who treats her as a prize to be won.
---- Eri is completely nocturnal. Eventually, she discovered this was strange for a thrax, but it keeps her from encountering too many others.

Stats: STR – 7 | RES – 10 | WIS – 10 | CHA – 2 | DEX – 11
Traits: Ears: L | Tails: L | Fangs: UC | Size: R | Eyes: L | Horns: L & UC
Mutation: n/a
Special Base: n/a

Original Value: £85.00 ($119.13)
+ adult lines - £20 | $27
