Leroy (and Muff) Jackson



3 years, 6 months ago


Leroy Nils Jackson, AKA Bean Pole

Born: 1942

Age: 16 (in '58)

Height: 6'0

Orientation: Heterosexual

Star Sign: ??????

Leroy himself is a different sort of GC member. He's more part of Gus's little subunit of greasers, they're called the wolf snakes. He helps them swipe things the GC needs and eventually becomes part of the heist group.
He's the proud owner of Nose Muff: https://www.deviantart.com/clawsofscorge/art/Muff-DU-October-28-859543036
and will take him damn near anywhere so long as he's not worried about getting into a fight.
If you threaten the hamster, you will die.

Gus's crew are called the wolf snakes because they act quite a bit like wolves in a sense, if they can't settle an argument, they'll physically fight. Whoever keeps getting up, clearly believes in their argument more, and therefor wins. They will also fight over girls for this same reason, whoever keeps getting up would be more heartbroken if the other dated her instead. They hold no grudges against one another, and all get along pretty well.

His dad was named Herbert Jackson. The guy was a millionaire and a serial killer. He was caught and put on trial before Leroy was born, and when Leroy was three he was finally put to death. Leroy had no desire to meet the man, and thankfully never did.

His mother is Jubilee Jackson, and no, they weren't married, Herbert and Jubilee just so happened to have the same last name. She was his secretary and a one night fling, which is how Leroy was conceived. Of course, they didn't inherit any of his millions, those went to his actual wife.