
3 years, 7 months ago


"... Don't call me a hermit."


Nicknames: Mak
Alias/Title: Farmer
Gender: Cis Male
Age: 43
Race/Species: Tier 2 Warpa
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 235 lbs
Status: Alive
Sexuality: Gay
Relationship Status: Single
Languages: English || Japanese || TBD


Namake is a very laid back guy. He's grumpy and weary of others, but most of all he's lazy. Genuinely lazy. The only times he really puts in effort is with the implings that hang out around his property and with working on his farm.

He's not one to quietly put up with bullshit, either. He has a temper hidden underneath his laziness. He says what he means, even in arguments.


Lounging Around

Social Interaction
Copper and Brass


A synopsis of relationships with other characters, including links to each one. IE:
Character Name || Relationship || Status: Dead/Alive || Description of relationship.


He was born and raised in the Lust region of Dante's Inferno, but left when he was an adult. He currently lives in the Gluttony region, near Emankor on his own farm. His main produce on the farm is rice and wheat-related products. Namake learned early on in his adolescence that he isn't fond of most social interactions, which is part of why he left the bigger towns in order to settle down on a farm.


Too lazy for a synopsis right now :/


His favorite nightmares are obscure ones where he doesn't have to change his appearance much or even really do anything.

He collects gold trinkets and jewelry to lounge around in. You can typically find him draped in jewelry on his off days specifically, as otherwise he doesn't want any of his things to get broken or damaged as he works.

His favorite impling is a slowpo named Gu, who resembles a bull with 6 limbs. Gu is the main source of protection for the farmhouse, and is usually found napping on top of the hill, closest to where Namake is working for the day. Gu is currently Undesigned lmao.

He tries not to spend much time in any town or village, especially if it's someone else's territory, but he will make short trips to see others because he knows he needs to be at least a little social.

He adores festivals, but hates the crowds that come with them. He'll only go to a festival in the early hours or super late to avoid crowds.

If he gets super bored, he'll usually take an impling with him to Emankor and explore or get things for the other implings.

His property is a terraced hill with his house at the top, a garden on the first terrace, and then his farm fields.