


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info



Approx Age

Mid 40s






Taken - Married to Jericho


Lighthouse Keeper

Personality Type


Design Theme

Moon Jellyfish




Quiet, reading, her view of the sea from the lighthouse, hot tea, overcast weather, the smell of the sea, wading in the ocean, seeing Jericho's boat approaching on the horizon, feeling useful, cooking and baking


missing her old home and community, hot weather, when people litter on the beach, red meat, having to meet new people (she gets nervous), cluttered or messy spaces, feeling helpless, nosy people, violence, when Jericho is way too long


Luna is a quiet and mysterious mothcat who used to live in the sea, and was the "princess" of a small colony of aquatic mothcats. The society was small minded and warlike, and Luna felt that she didn't really fit in, and certainly couldn't handle a leadership role in the community. One day, while out exploring and foraging, she was confronted by a group of rival aquatic mothcats, she was able to get away, but not without being injured. Luna fled, eventually washing up on the beach near the lighthouse Jericho lived in. He took her in and helped her recover from her injuries, and soon enough they grew very close. With her injuries, Luna was no longer a very strong swimmer, and decided to take up residence on land. She was instrumental in helping Jericho fix up the lighthouse, and she takes pride in keeping it running to help sailors stay safe. She spends a lot of her time reading and teaching herself how to repair things. She has taken quite well to her new life on land, but sometimes misses living under the sea.


Jericho - Husband
Luna and Jericho are very close, and though they are both somewhat solitary mothcats, they very much enjoy being in each other's company. Luna is grateful that Jericho helped her when she was injured, and she's glad to repay his kindness whenever she can. When it comes to their household, she's the boss, especially since she spends more time in the lighthouse. She can be a bit bossy towards him, but its with love. They can talk for hours, or spend hours together in the same room doing their individual tasks and not talking much, Luna loves spending time with Jericho, no matter what they are doing. Luna and Jericho both have a deep love for the sea, even though they came from different backgrounds, and Luna thinks that their differences make them stronger and has helped them both grow. Luna loves Jericho to the moon and back, and is grateful to have him in her life.