Viktor Bishkup (Step-Son)



3 years, 6 months ago


  • AGE 22
  • GENDER Male
  • RACE Imp
  • HEIGHT 5'10
  • ETHNICITY Danish
  • ALIGNMENT Lawful Evil
  • SEXUALITY Pansexual
  • ROLE Mechanic

Elias Rohde

Viktor's step son that gave him a hard time in the beginning. Before Vik came into his life he was bit of a rebel, he didn't like how much his mother would ignore him due to her trying to "stay in her youth" and constantly went out partying. He spent a lot of time alone so he'd start taking a part his toys to see if he could put them together again seeing he had nothing better to do. He would act out a lot and would do whatever he could to get some type of attention. During high school he would get in endless amounts of trouble or started fights just to get some type of rise outta people. On rare ocassions he'd spread rumours about himself just for people to talk. Elias just wanted attention, and really he didn't care what kind of attention it was.

Once Vik was introduced to him he didn't bother to get attached since he knew his mother would probably drop him within a week or two, but the more he stayed around the more they tried to bond. He was only 13 when he met, but appreciated that Vik tried to include him if he was over the house. Everyone else would just act like he wasn't there to swoop in on his mom. It was gross. He started coming around more when he realized Vik was becoming a permanent figure in his life. He liked him, he'd try his hardest to be a good example but would slip up in humourous ways. Elias especially enjoyed that if he ever pissed Vik off, which was common since he was a gremlin when he was young, Vik wouldn't disicpline him. Viktor would just bounce for about an hour and come back so they could talk it out. Viktor wasn't his dad nor was he about to start acting like it. Once the two started growing closer as a family then he'd start listening to Vik more, but still Vik would never directly tell him to do something. It just wasn't in his nature, he just liked spending time with the kid especially when his wife started spending more time at "work."

When he found out Viktor and his mom was getting a divorce he was deeply distraught. Elias was pissed at Vik for awhile, how dare he come in to his life and make him feel special only to leave in the end ? They were supposed to be a happy family ?? Viktor just never had the balls to tell him why he left her, it wasn't for the kid to know what type of woman his mother was so he endured a lot of the rage ELias had. Elias didn't hate Vik, he just didn't like that he was leaving however Vik did allow him to stay over whenever he was feeling lonely when his mother was away for awhile. They grew close once again and they still keep up their antics as if Vik never left. He was the best father figure he ever had, he wasn't escaping Elias that easily and it was clear Viktor didn't mind.


  • Robots
  • Frogs
  • Bugs
  • Hugs
  • Arson


  • Soda
  • Being alone
  • Police
  • People who don't know how to have a bitchin' time
  • Fuckin' squares

Layout by carebear | Code by AviCode


Ut gravida turpis quis sapien posuere euismod. Sed sollicitudin commodo fringilla. Proin a eros et nisl posuere pretium porta vel sem. Donec diam orci, pharetra ac egestas sit amet, scelerisque sit amet urna. Curabitur euismod ipsum mauris, et gravida leo iaculis eu. Sed ut urna ipsum. Maecenas semper magna at fermentum porta. Nam commodo, erat sed fringilla gravida, libero tellus dignissim risus, id bibendum urna enim auctor orci. Nullam varius est et est mattis dignissim. Nunc ut sapien ut diam ultricies laoreet at vel purus. Cras egestas, nisl a tempor laoreet, lectus massa scelerisque erat, ac pulvinar odio ex in orci.

Pellentesque iaculis nibh ac ultricies placerat. Proin placerat ex vel justo lobortis, at facilisis ligula congue. Nunc euismod pellentesque tellus in volutpat. Integer ac ante neque. Sed id orci posuere, commodo tortor sed, egestas risus. Cras at venenatis ligula. Nullam purus nisl, lacinia nec lacus at, porta pretium odio. Sed commodo scelerisque risus a consequat. Mauris dolor leo, tempor non fringilla in, auctor et odio.


  • Vivamus justo justo, molestie quis hendrerit vel, mollis vel neque. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque erat elit, pharetra vel fermentum nec, congue ac elit.
  • Donec quis porta mauris. Morbi consequat mattis nisl, nec posuere ex pellentesque eu. Cras elementum elit a metus tempus dapibus.
  • Vestibulum vulputate lectus vitae purus tincidunt faucibus. Maecenas eu vehicula neque. Integer a tortor et tellus sollicitudin tincidunt.
  • Nullam congue ac enim at vestibulum. Phasellus turpis orci, aliquet eu fermentum et, imperdiet non est. Phasellus ultrices dui risus, quis pulvinar arcu lobortis et. Sed eu sem sed diam semper elementum. Nam quis enim turpis.
  • Pellentesque tempor vehicula lacus id posuere. Aliquam eu vehicula quam. Pellentesque ac ante vitae ipsum sollicitudin convallis.





Describe relationship here. Nulla suscipit finibus tempor. Aenean ac lacinia ligula. Etiam sed congue nulla, at fermentum enim. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum nec vestibulum massa. Vivamus congue in leo id tempus. In tincidunt orci at tincidunt condimentum. Praesent placerat molestie diam, vitae consequat mi feugiat lacinia. Aliquam sit amet nulla et dui porta interdum. Curabitur a tempor enim. Vestibulum suscipit rutrum viverra.

Describe relationship here. Nulla suscipit finibus tempor. Aenean ac lacinia ligula. Etiam sed congue nulla, at fermentum enim. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum nec vestibulum massa. Vivamus congue in leo id tempus. In tincidunt orci at tincidunt condimentum. Praesent placerat molestie diam, vitae consequat mi feugiat lacinia. Aliquam sit amet nulla et dui porta interdum. Curabitur a tempor enim. Vestibulum suscipit rutrum viverra.

Describe relationship here. Nulla suscipit finibus tempor. Aenean ac lacinia ligula. Etiam sed congue nulla, at fermentum enim. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum nec vestibulum massa. Vivamus congue in leo id tempus. In tincidunt orci at tincidunt condimentum. Praesent placerat molestie diam, vitae consequat mi feugiat lacinia. Aliquam sit amet nulla et dui porta interdum. Curabitur a tempor enim. Vestibulum suscipit rutrum viverra.