
7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Beast Clan (Skinwalker)

Known Weapons

Unarmed, Steel Dagger, Bone Dagger, Cold Iron Dagger, Topaz Dagger, Ruby Dagger, Hemo Knife

Common Forms

Brown Rat, Gorilla, Peregrine Falcon, Vaciller Mouse, Crystal Rock Spider

Common Summons

Squeakers (A collective of 16 brown rats), Nala (A lioness), Penelope (An Australian Magpie)



Mouthy college student gets hit by truck, becomes vampire, adopts alcoholic Russian vampire assassin, brings a knife to a God fight.

Courtesy of CupcakeCass on Flight Rising


A distinctly sarcastic woman, one of the earliest things people notice about her is a tendency to be, well, loud. A voice that naturally carries is further enhanced by a tendency to talk over others and to not really notice her volume gradually increasing the longer she speaks lead to a surprisingly loud and forceful speech from such a small package. On the bright side she's never had any trouble with public speaking, on the downside her mouth runs faster than her brain and the amount off trouble this causes can be truly staggering. She's as quick to insult allies and friends as she is her enemies, but can be particularly defensive when anyone does the same to her. Worse, however, will befall anyone who badmouths or assaults her Fuckups, hell itself is not far enough to flee from her if you hurt someone who had earned her loyalty (literally, just ask Crow Talon some time), this mother hen was not someone to be trifled with as a human; give her vampire powers and thing just get worse. Couple this with the fact that she plans all the way up to a goal but is always caught off-guard by the actual consequences of her decisions and you have the perfect recipe for a snowballing of powerful enemies and "solutions" that leave things worse than when she found them.

Despite all her bluster and hot air she is surprisingly insecure and socially anxious, firmly believing everyone is just a moments notice from leaving her. A feeling that only gets worse the more emotionally attached that she gets to someone. To the surprise of no one but herself this has only caused her more difficulty in life, leading to an inability to ask for help and a fear of being honest about her feelings to those she should be honest with. She'll tell a literal god to go fuck himself all day long, but actually showing honest emotion to her closest companions? No way in hell time to change the subject.

Courtesy of CupcakeCass on Flight Rising


Standing at about 5'2" and a generous 120lbs soaking wet, there is nothing about Ryss that seems intimidating. Quite the opposite, considering she is generally mistaken for somewhere between the ages of twelve and sixteen despite being twenty-three. This isn't helped in the least by her round face, nor by the fact that she's short and rather small-chested. Her skin is pale, borderline unhealthy, and dotted with freckles. Her dirty-blonde hair hangs down to her shoulder-blades and trends towards the unmanageable side of things, in no small part because the most effort she ever puts into it is to run a brush through it. Her nails are long but unpainted, and she certainly can't be bothered to put on make-up. Bronze, half-rimmed glasses over her blue-grey eyes make her seem a tiny bit older.

Her clothes are plain, a light grey hoodie generally zipped up about half way and sweat-pants of a slightly darker color, with black sneakers that are loosely laced for quick removal. Where she begins to stand out is her choice of accessories; a copper-colored chain around her neck on which hangs a silver whistle inlaid with emeralds, a pair of earrings crafted from a set of vampire's fangs, and from each hip hangs a sheathed dagger, as well as one on the lower part of each thigh. More are hidden beneath her jacket, a habit that she's picked up from her father. Of similar note is the tattoo covering the skin of her right hand, a tribal tattoo similar to the fangs and claws of animals at the center of which lies a stylized dagger wrapped in chains and dripping blood. The tattoo is focused on her wrist but reaches up the back of her hand. The whole tattoo if laid flat would look a bit like a skull. When in combat the tattoo takes on a red glow, dripping phantom blood and encasing any weapon held in her right hand in a red aura shapped oddly like a butcher's cleaver, regardless of what she's actually holding.

Courtesy of CupcakeCass on Flight Rising

Vampire Tattoos

As with all vampires, Ryss bears tribal-esque tattoos starting from the hollow black circle over her sternum. Around it, like the stages of a flip book, is a rendition of a dog playing with a ball. Spreading outwards from there and stretching up over her collarbones and towards shoulders are black feathers, like a pair of spread wings. In the other direction, hanging like ivy from the ring on her chest are long, thin spider legs that reach down over her ribs and towards her stomach.