Crow Talon



7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Hades' Bloodhound, Lich Born, Crow Talon, The Survivor of Du Bang, The Twice Shunned Heir, The Butcher of Sukhanovo, Dedulya


Beast Clan

Known Weapons

Witch Knife, Unarmed, Smoke, Damn Near Anything

Known Forms

Cat, Tiger, Golden Eagle, "Demon" Tiger?

Known Companion

Smoke (Tiger)



Lich Hunter agrees to do a friend a favor, ends up adopting loud-mouthed fledgling with a homicidal streak. Mostly just confused.

Courtesy of CupcakeCass on Flight Rising


Upon first glance one would think him a fairly unassuming man, gaunt of frame and narrow faced, standing less than five and a half feet. Perhaps at one point he was, but time has left him a tense man; a prowling tiger of sharp brown eyes and short, unkempt, dirty-blonde hair. Despite the sense that he is very old and has seen very much, nothing about his appearance says such. Far from it he instead seems disarmingly young, perhaps barely into his twenties. Clean-shaven and baby-faced it would be almost impossible to tell how old he really is even without his vampiric nature. It is not only the aura of a predator that draws attention to him, but the seemingly endless web of tattoos that cover his body, criss-crossing over the long faded tan of his skin, each tribal-esque motif weaving into the next as a veritable menagerie of beasts across his flesh, held together by their common animal theme. All of them, with enough patience, can be traced back to the hollow circle above his sternum. The only one not seemingly attached to this web is the rendition of a large tiger that almost seems to shift and move across his body.

Rarely are the tattoos so obvious though, covered by a ratty and ill-fitting beige winter coat that wouldn't be out of place in a homeless camp, contrasting somewhat with the bare chest beneath it. The only thing about his clothes seemingly well-cared for are thick and sturdy boots, though seemingly laced just slightly too loose to be seen as properly effective.

It would take a much closer examination to find the knives scattered across his body, always within reach, simple and unassuming sheaths hidden everywhere. Though the blades themselves can prove ornate and even fantastical they share the same, simple descriptor of being well sharpened and handled, despite how seemingly worn and well-used that they may be.

Courtest of CupcakeCass on Flight Rising

Vampire Tattoos

Crow Talon's tattoo starts were all vampire tattoos start; the single unbroken perfect black circle on his chest. A second ring of crows animated in flight surround the circle. Spreading from one shoulder to the other across his chest is a mosiac of tiger stripes, claws, and fangs. On the right side of his torso, stretching from his back to belly, is a large crow wings spread. On the left side of his torso is a completely black male lion. Covering his entire back is a photo realistic tiger that if observed closely seems to move and shift. Unlike the rest of his tattoos this tiger is blue-grey in color, with alert blood red eyes, and is capable of moving across his body. This one is magic in nature, representing his companion Smoke, only stored in the tattoos when his physical form becomes inconvenient (or if he’s being annoying). If Smoke is not inside Crow Talon his back is blank.