Val Morris



3 years, 10 months ago



Name Val Morris
Age 23
Gender Male
Race Human
Role Warlock
Patron Duchess Clara of Esced
Affiliation Secret Society of Symmetry


Val is broken and troubled by his experiences, but has a deeply held desire to do the right thing that keeps him going, despite it all. Val is guarded about discussing his abilities or history, and while he does desire personal interaction, he's too afraid to open up and initiate it. Val is unwilling to take a life, and is incredibly averse to death. He's getting more accustomed to Monsters and is no longer very skittish around them.


  • Vegetables
  • Helping People
  • ???
  • ???


  • Rare/Medium-Rare Meat
  • Violence
  • ???
  • ???


Val was originally a knightly Warrior, serving as squire to the Paladin Abraham, a vampire-hunter and member of nobility, within the human capital of Arithic, a cold stony mountain city. Much like the other capitals, Arithic's scouts and soldiers were too often slain and rebuffed from entering Meridia by the elder vampiress Clara, Duchess of Esced. Within Esced, Clara was immortal, but if her body could be brought to Arithic, she could be permanently slain. The King of Arithic summoned Abraham and Val and bid them invade Clara's duchy, pierce her through the heart with a blessed Hawthorne stake to render her inert, then bring her body to Arithic to be destroyed. The pair invaded the Duchy of Esced and slayed her guardians, and Abraham was able to triumph over her in battle and drive the stake through her heart, leaving her in a vulnerable deathlike slumber, but the words she spoke in battle rattled and resonated with Val. Abraham and Val placed Clara in a coffin to transport the elder vampiress back to Arithic, but something happened near the border of Meridia. When the king's men arrived to investigate, Abraham lay dead, the coffin empty and only broken bloody splinters of the stake remaining, with no sign of the vampiress or the squire. A few months later, Val resurfaced in an SSS settlement within Meridia with the mark of a Pact on his hand and an Electrum coin with a perfect line etched through the middle, enough to buy allegiance into the SSS.

Mission One

Val's first mission with the SSS didn't go well. Intended as a basic escort mission of a Human merchant to trade with the Goblins of Marrowfort, the group was met in the Waypoint by goblin corpses, reanimated by a bizarre black slime, and attacked by a mysterious Arachnian woman. While they destroyed the slimes and captured the Arachnian, a far larger slime attacked the group in the morning, before escaping with one of the merchant's Scribe aides and the Arachnian's corpse (killed by Ambrose in the midst of an escape attempt). Val went with the rescue party, and while the slime's creator escaped, the Scribe still lived, fused in body and mind with the Arachnian.

Mission Two

Val disguised himself as Isaac the Zuman Mage for the infiltration of Neoyomi, and used his newest spell, the Mists of Esced, to create a fog cloud so that he and the others could escape Theodoric's attention.


Pact Mark [ Drain ]

While technically not a spell on its own, Val's Pact Mark can drain blood by touch, though it must be on bare skin. Val always stops the drain before it can put the victim's life in danger, but it will often leave the target anemic and weakened. This drained blood fuels Val's spells.

Sanguine Flame [ Fire ]

Val shoots a small blood-red ball of flame from his Pact Mark. It doesn't do much, but will ignite flamable objects.

Duchess's Mercy [ Heal ]

A wispy red energy flows from Val's Pact Mark to the target. The target's wounds are magically healed.

Nightmare Blessing [ Buff ]

A wispy red energy flows from Val's Pact Mark to the target. The target receives a temporary enhancement to their abilities. The particular enhanced traits vary based on the target, often based on what they consciously or subconsiously think would most help at the current moment.

Mists of Esced [ Fog Cloud ]

A cloud of red mist gathers in Val's palm before quickly expanding out to a large cloud, the speed of the expansion intended to make it difficult to determine the precise source. While Val himself is able to see clearly through the mist, others have their visibility limited. Those with violent intent are practically blinded by the thickness of the mist.

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