Novelle Tomak



3 years, 7 months ago



Name Novelle Tomak
Called Novelle
Age 26
Gender Female
Race Human
Role Enchanter
Alignment Neutral(?) Good
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Novelle is a skittish young woman, from a large farming family, who is well outside of any sort of comfort zone she once had.  Despite this she wants to prove she can at the very least be useful to her new comrades.  She really does try her best, even if she just can't seem to acknowledge it at all.


  • Enchanting
  • Reading
  • Peace and Quiet
  • Her Siblings


  • Crowds
  • Yelling
  • Ambrose
  • Herself


Novelle was born to a large farming family on the outskirts of the small human city, Kirden, on the far side of Human civilzation from the Meridian. She expected to live as her family always had, but when she lit a pitchfork on fire during a heated (No Pun Intended) argument with her father, and nearly burned the family's barn to the ground, that all changed. Her magical ability was noted by the local authorities and word was sent to the nearest capitol, Bandelbride. Much to Novelle's luck, Bandelbride also happens to have one of the most prestigious magical Academies of the Five Capitols, but they all like to say that about themselves so who really knows.

The Deans, always interested in adding to their Capitol's, and school's, prestige gladly paid Novelle's parents handsomely for the loss of labor, and moved her into accommodations at the Bandelbride Academy for Magical Research and Application. There she learned that she had a natural skill for Enchanting. She also learned that she was very bad at actually learning. She couldn't focus on the lessons, and only really picked up skills that could hold her interest. Thankfully, she was able to ride her natural abilities to a passing, even above average, education. From the Academy she was brought into the employee of one of Bandelbride's Low-Ministers. She was really just an assistant to an assistant's assistant, but it was still a good job. She mostly filed papers, and occasionally enchanted the odd item for her superiors. Outside of that she was left to her own devices, and she was happy for it. She'd also learned, at the Academy, that it was much to hard to make friends with others, so she found she much preferred time to herself.

After a fashion, she was assigned to another group of Low-Ministers, and their assistants, who were traveling to a small, upstart of a city near the borders of the Meridian for some sort of diplomatic meeting. Upon their arrival many of the assistants were asked to do small magical work, enchanting various odds and ends. Novelle, not being as adept at the non-elemental side of Enchanting, suffered a few “back-casts” and ended up being sent out on small errands instead, where she got to see this city from the streets.

The city itself shocked her, as Humans and Monsters had taken to walking around together, apparently as peaceably as you like. During her time at the Academy she'd been told that Monsters were lesser than Humans(Monstrous even, some might say.) and that Humanity deserved to hold power over the whole world because of the simple fact that they were born human. Seeing this strange sight planted a doubt in her mind, even if it was only the beginnings of one. And despite her introverted nature, she found she somewhat enjoyed being out among the people of the city, a little at least.

Things, unfortunately, went south not long after the envoy's arrival. Unknown to Novelle, and the other assistants that had been brought along, this was not a diplomatic meeting to establish peaceable relations between Bandelbride and this burgeoning new civilization. It was an attempted coup against not just the city itself, but also a jump-start to a campaign to take all of the Meridian. Worse, for those involved, it was a disastrous failure; ultimately foiled by SSS agents posing as dissenters. Bandelbride, of course, claimed ignorance, and condemned the actions that this group of Low-Ministers had taken. Of course, this left all of them, Novelle included, in the custody of the SSS. The interrogations lasted for, honestly, she didn't know how long, and she never saw hide nor hair of anyone else she'd come to the city with after they'd been captured and separated.

Unexpectedly, after she thought that she was finally going to break and just tell her captors whatever they wanted to hear, she was made an offer. She could atone for her mistakes, even if she hadn't known she was making them, and join the SSS. Someone who interviewed her, must have seen something worthwhile behind the scared, voiceless mess she had devolved into. Not really seeing any other option, she accepted. Now, finished with her training, she is taking her first steps into her new life.


As an Enchanter, Novelle is able to bind magical effects to mundane objects. Whether this is giving a blade a short term fire alignment or making a salt shaker magically refill from a larger source without interference from any person. Enchanters are highly sought after in the Five Capitols, and other large human cities, as they can assist in providing both extra defenses along with sometimes devastating offensive capabilities. Enchantments come in two main flavors; Short Term and Long Term.

Short Term Enchantments are quick, single use, or several minute enchantments. They usually consist of imbuing elemental affinities onto weaponry, or setting traps attached to small, innocuous objects. They can be cast by touch, or at a distance of up to 60', or about 18 meters, but they are always stronger when cast by directly touching the object. Stronger types tend to completely engulf the chosen object in the element, ie: a full on flaming sword that ignites what it strikes. Whereas, the weaker types, would just imbue a partial alignment, ie: the sword glows red and burns when touched, but does not ignite the target.

Long Term Enchantments are things that give a more permanent affect to an object. The most common form of these are defensive, and can be placed on anything from armor to entire city walls. But they can also be used for simple vanity projects, or for accomplishing mundane tasks for those who can afford the services of an Enchanter. Because Long Term Enchantments also degrade with time, and continued use, they must be monitored and restored regularly. Also the stronger they are the faster they degrade. So good Enchanters are almost never without a job.

Permanent Enchantments, while they do exist, are extremely rare and only the most Masterful of Enchanters can even begin to understand the concepts behind them.


Novelle is generally much more skilled at Short Term Enchantments than Long Term ones. She is particularly adept at the elemental side of these Enchantments as well, with a specific affinity for Lightning, and a tendency to avoid Fire. Depending on the amount of power she pushes into the object she can manage anywhere from 1, for the particularly strong variety, to up to about 6 for the weakest type.

Outside of Elemental magic, she can place other spells on objects, but these usually take much longer as she lacks an innate skill for it. She has to put much more focus into the spell, and she unfortunately has trouble focusing for long periods of time. She also has a bad track record of “back-casting” enchantments. While this does imbue the object with the desired spell, it also casts the spell on the caster at the same time. Say, if a sleep spell is applied to a coin, it bounces back and also puts the caster to sleep.

For Long Term Enchantments, she runs even harder into the issue of focus. Her mind tends to wander during long periods of minimal, or limited activity. While she has placed Long Term Enchantments before, it takes her longer than average, and usually requires several restarts because she lets the spell lapse during its binding.

Outside of her Role, she is also trained in basic combat, and self defense as any SSS member would be. She is by no means, however, a master.



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