Anatoli Dunkirk



3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Anatoli (Toli, Toto) Dunkirk

Age at Death: 29

Current Emotional Age: 29

Gender/Sex: Male, He/They 

Sexuality: Demi, he's not looking for a relationship thanks

Height: 5'6

Weight: 130 lbs

Birthday: April 13th 1993

Death Day: January 30th 2023

Cause of Death: Despair, I mean, Ascension.



    Adaptable: Were he not as good at rolling with the punches, he'd have been made to despair at least 3 years ago, when he lost his hand, if not even sooner than that.

    Discreet: Even at his worst, he tries his best not to be too obvious with his tells or emotions. 

    Trusting: Once you've got it, you will never lose his trust.

    Cautious: Even before his decade of magi work, he'd been a little too nervous around new things. This has not improved over time.

    Incurious: Allergic to asking questions or wondering about things- it makes their heart hurt.

    Submissive: Defers to others when he's allowed to, is very thankful he's no longer the leader of Miss Rose's group.


   Roses, and other flowers. They make him feel pretty, and safe.

   Soft, fluffy fabrics. He likes feeling warm, okay?

   Miss Rose. He might have developed a bit of a crush, but he's aware it won't go anywhere. He'd rather still be useful anyway.


   Witches. Even knowing why they're necessary, he isn't a fan of having to deal with them.

   Concrete. He's gotten roadburn from being thrown around a few too many times to like that his uniform comes without sleeves or a midsection.

   Unrelated Magi. If they're not working with Miss Rose, they aren't obligated to listen to and respect her, and are therefore a threat.


Anatoli doesn't like remembering his childhood. He grew up as a lonely, insecure middle class kid with no real aspirations or inspirations, and only a vague sense of what the world would bring him, if he reached for it. His years in middle and high school are unremarkable, up until he chose to drop out during his last year. He'd been 'gifted' enough to skip a grade, and had been 17 when he ran away from home and left his schooling behind. The pressure of performing well was getting to him, and the idea of following a predetermined college course and being chained into a career based on that... it broke him. He ended up skipping from town to town for a few months before, during his stay at a homeless shelter, the Wish Come True Charity made a stop by. He met Miss Rose personally, and was immediately drawn to her as someone important. She asked him, after a long conversation about what his life had been like up 'til now, if he'd make a wish for her. 

He did it without question. His wish made Miss Rose's life mission easier, and forged a connection between them that both parties relied on for stability, as time goes on. Toli had a lot of potential for magic, and multiclassed as a Mage so that he could enchant things for Miss Rose at her request. He became her go-to for missions and the leader of her main band of magi, up until an accident seven years after his wish. During a battle, some people got careless and Toli ended up getting cornered in a labyrinth. He got out of the situation mostly fine, but he lost his left hand and had to rely on some healers to get a prosthetic that would work with his transformation as well. Alexander, Miss Rose's remaining child, took over as the leader, but Toli stayed on the team because Miss Rose still relied on him, even if he was getting old, for a magi.

After nearly three years of being in Seaford and watching his entire team and every magi close to the woman he sold his soul for die, Toli was finally granted peace.
He's not fond of still having to exist after ascending, but since his familiar seems fine giving him direction and he no longer feels so much... maybe, just maybe, he can finally be himself. Live, for a relative term of living, for himself.
If things don't work out in Seaford, he can leave, probably. He just has nowhere to really aim for outside this cesspool of a city.

Occupation: Hired Magi working for Kritanta Rose.


Wish: "I wish for Miss Rose to no longer have problems with her emotions!"

Class: Support, multiclass Mage

Subclass: Team Player/Cheer, Caster/Magician

Level: 18+

Incubator: Flow 


   Chain Whip: A golden handle with a rose and thorns growing around it, with a black steel chain sprouting from the center of the rose. The final link is broken, like the ones at his wrist and neck.

   Magician's Staff: A quarterstaff with thorns spiraling up the length, with a blue gem at the tip to focus magic through.

   Garden Shears: Golden scissors sized to cut hedges and wicked sharp, Toli only pulls these out when he's in a bind.


 Lucky Chant | N/A | Magic | Gives everyone in the next round an advantage. Has a five round cool down

Stealth | N/A | Special | Toli becomes invisible to all for one turn. They can not be hit at all but they also can't attack. Can be done right after an attack but can only be used 5 times and has cool off of two rounds. When coming out of invisibility, Toli has advantage on their next d20 roll.

Cheer Squad | 1d8 | Special | Can boost by damge dice and can boost 3 stats of max three magi, you pick the stats must be the same three stats for three magi. You can not do anything else during this attack it can last a max of four rounds but you can also stop it during that time. Any damage towards you wont stop the attack.

Glitz and Glam | 1d10 | Magic | A bright flashy attack that give opponents a disadvantage for two rounds. If a nat 1 is rolled you and your allies get disadvantage for two rounds as well as you take the nat 1 damage

Finale | 1d10 | Special | A weaker form of Tiro Finale

Sleight of Hand | 1d8 | Magic | A two turn attack. Causes your opponent to only focus on you for two rounds, protecting your allies. Others can still attack and the second round you can perform a different attack as well. Has a three round cool down and can't be used when at 30hp or bellow

Ultimate Shield | N/A | Defence | A shield that take 80 damage. If it's on someone else it gets add on magi defence stat

Sock it to 'em | 1d10 | Magic | hits opponent in the nose, opponent stunned and takes half dmg for 2 turns


Clarity | N/A | Special | Gives team advantage to rolls for the next two rounds while Toli gets  disadvantage for the same two rounds


Ultimate Boost | N/A | Special/Magic | This will raise all the stats of a magi by 6 + 1/2 special and 1/2 magic. Can only be used once a battle. Lasts for 8 rounds


Drill Attack | 1d12 + 1d8 | Special | attack 4 opponents and has a chance to stun them. Opponents must roll a d20 to be under their own defence to not be stunned

Tantrum | 1d10 | Magic | throw a tantrum and attack everything. Is stunned for 1 round after attack

Protection 2 Electric Boogaloo | N/A | Defense | protect yourself for 3 rounds


HP: 312

Magic: 30

Defense: 16

Attack: 5

Speed: 12

Special: 31

Stamina: 8


    -Miss Rose no longer feels emotions as strongly as is normal, and finds it easier to force magi to despair.

    -Since Toli wished for it, anything that might give Miss Rose trouble instead makes them feel a little worse. They can ignore this by reminding each other that it's for the greater good.

    -This connection also means Miss Rose relies on Toli, not for any emotional reasons but simply that she knows he will be there for her. 

    -Toli has not been made to despair because Miss Rose relies on him, even as he gets older or loses a limb.


  Eva gave him a facial scar, he'll need to use Magi Makeup to appear on camera