Faye Avery 🧚



7 years, 2 months ago


  • Faye Avery

  • 11745443_7MxqydeKHj9s4to.png
  • Age ?
  • Gender Female
  • Species Cat
  • Soul colour #48ff4e
  • Element Wind
  • Alignment Chaotic

Full bio3187070_yySXQtDo8p5Lv67.gif

"Stressing over stuffs just doesn't really help much, why not just take everything easily? It's more fun and I could still get things done"

A fluffy white, pale orange and grey calico with stunning green eyes. At first glance, one would think that Faye is some kind of dork that gets into weird situation a lot. But Faye is actually quite a caring cat, always wanted to be the best as well as giving the best to her division.
She's really bad with stealth considering how she wields a lantern and wears bright green scarf.

Composure || Optimistic || Competitive ||
Determined/Stubborn || Mischievous || Restless ||
Insane || Soft hearted || Careless

Design Notes:


DoB: 2 Dec 2015
Origin: -
Height: ?
Build: Normal
Aura: Bright green
Theme: Make a move
  • Lights
  • Speed
  • Bright colours
  • Seriousness
  • Arrogance
  • Negativity










Weapon: Lantern Flailda6slya-ac24ddbd-7398-4e1c-a4cd-ca27b742

A medium length stave(wand) with pick attribute on one side, blade attribute on the other. A lime green glow lantern is also hung by a chain.
- Her weapon is decorative and practical which she loves to hold most of the time, but she can and will use it to whack someone if she absolutely has to. Both ends of the stave can be used to stab people with.
- Her lantern emits a glow that is slightly brighter than usual weapons.
- The chain is detachable. The wand can be used as a stave. And the chain can be attached to any part of her wand as well as her tail instead of the wand.
- She can also hurl the lantern if she want to but she rarely does that because she loves her lantern.
- She could swing the flail both telepathically as well as physically by gripping it in her jaw. She can swing a larger arc telepathically, but faster swing physically.

Fighting style

Faye was a defense cat, she fights defensively, prefers to dodge and counter instead of launching attacks aggressively. Faye rarely launches the first attack, but will do it if her opponent refuses to take the first move. She will usually tease the enemy cats for a while first, getting on their nerves and such before launching her attacks. Weak fighter, so Faye depends on her speed, ability and her surroundings to take down her enemy, she cannot take on her enemies heads on. Faye doesn't like to be close to her opponents, so she will almost always leap back to keep a safe distance until she is ready to launch attacks.

Faye's attacks usually consist of Faye charging directly at her opponents, trying to land a hit and run. Faye is known to vary her running speed, sometimes even uses Rush I and II to give herself a small boost, using the different speed to throw off the enemy's ability to gauge her range and to block Faye's attack.

Known fighting move

- Wall leap, using the wall to launch herself at her enemy. Mostly combined with Rush I, giving more momentum to tackle stronger cats.
- Fake attack, swing her flail right in the enemy's face, but missed on purpose as she ran past them, then stab the enemy from the side.
- Use Friction I to give an enemy cat a searing hot slap on the face.
- For some reason she likes to leap over cats and attack from the other side.
- Sometimes she turn tail and run, mostly to get to a safe distance, small chance she is fleeing. She will keep running if her opponent chases after her. Faye would sometimes skid to a stop suddenly and whip around, most likely swinging her flail right at her opponent if they got close enough.
- If she was down, or pinned, she would use the hook on her weapon to try to trip her enemy.
- (Learnt from Gale, but modified to suit her style) She throw her flail at her opponent heads on, while she herself run aside to attack her opponent from the side. Surely her opponent could only keep an eye on either the flail or Faye herself instead of both. She is also prepared to catch her flail telepathically and swing it immediately if her flail missed the target.



[ Wife ] 



[ Son ] 



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