Char (Watchlist: Report)



Watchlist Reports of Sekkra

Observatory files of demons currently within containment of the Hunter City: Sekkra

Map Location: Isle of Edin

Current date: May 6th 1531

Current number of demons within city walls: 674

Current number of demons on Watchlist: 24

Sectors 1 through 3 are considered low level threats

Sectors 3 through 6 are considered high level threats




Char is the head of what is to be suspected the largest demon Horde known in the surrounding lands. Char is present within the center of the Horde, protected by the outer layers of his frenzied demons. Many of his demons are bound to him by soul magic. Some of which are likely bound to him against their will and may disperse should these bonds be severed. It is unknown how many demons are in his Horde, or are there of their own volition.

Known and possible Abilities:

- Char has an enormous Aura, causing gravitational effects on surrounding bodies within at least a 300 foot radius when expanded (to the fullest?) Aura brings a sickening feeling and extreme heaviness, causing individuals to find it difficult to stand, often times unable to stand at all; as if an unseen force is crushing one into the ground. To counter some of this effect, Hunters are required to wear a combination of NF30, YSX2, and 12WX Seals at all times when field scouting Char's horde.

- Char has on occasion unleashed an eruption of sound and air from his mouth, pushing away anything within its radius. The force is enough to tear the ground apart in the direction he is facing; additionally, pull trees from their roots and throw people off their feet with enough force to break bone. This attack has been observed a few times by our Hunter teams, and it has been noted the power in which he can control this magic varies in its strength, seemingly at his whim.

- Char has been known to use his claws and large build as a weapon in itself. When confronted individually, it appears his favored method of combat is close ranged and physical. His speed is capable to close distances in seconds and caution is advised to those who view him from afar. His range of sight and perceptibility appears keen enough to spot our spies and scouts with ease.


Though it is unconfirmed, it is largely suspected that Char has reproduced (mother is unknown but suspected to have been human). 3 specific younger demons (around 20 years of age as of current date) have been seen to be within his presence on multiple occasions. When not by his side, they have been reported causing mayhem within the surrounding lands of the past few years.

- Names: Torru, Torche, and Core.

Hellspawn Has likely reproduced at least 3 times, resulting in 3 living half breed demons (Human/Demon). See notes.
Time in Realm Unknown. Suspected to be over 200 years within the Realm.
Capture Date N/A
Location Unknown Lair whereabouts. Likely within the Edin Island regions. Somewhere around Mnt Delfire (possibly within the mountain itself, but scouts have not returned clarifying where)
Body Type Humanoid/lizard or bat origins(?)
Expected Floor Level Sector 6
Risk High Risk (100%)
Expected Containment Type Quarantine
Feed Hellspawn N/A
Seal Types Unknown
Seal Explanation Unknown












Char leaves few alive during his raids and has been known to take prisoners; none of which have been found (alive).

He is rarely seen outside the vicinity of his Horde. Thusly, in order to capture Char, it will require separating him from his Horde long enough to bind and sever the connection from him and his demons. In doing so may disperse enough of the Horde to secure him safely.

The use of powerful magics may be required in order to do so and talks with various high level Mages are currently in the works.