♛Kaz Avaro♛



7 years, 1 month ago


Kaz Avaro

BDay: Oct 13th - 24

Design by Kingbatman7@FA
Lines by Lockworkorange@FA and Enjoipandas@FA

♦ charming | self-centered | arrogant | stoic | cold | sadistic | manipulative | smart ♦

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."

• He's a light sleeper.
• He is an atheist, stating that there is no proof that God exists. Regardless, due to following events and his plans, he takes a primarily agnostic view of afterlife later.
• He's a fast learner.

To Kaz, the most important thing that one can hope to attain in life is power. Kaz adopts the belief that the world is his, and others are simply living in it. He sees everything as an opportunity meant for him to rise above the rest, and he likes to manipulate and control situations as though he were a puppet master and the world were his stage. Kaz enjoys playing god to compensate for his subconscious realization that he does not have enough control over his own life or emotions. Because Kaz is unable to learn to control his emotions, he has chosen not to embrace them, and instead suppresses them. He has subdued his feelings for so long that he now appears to have none at all. Thus, Kaz is impossible for others to read, and in fact, doesn't even know himself very well. He only knows the Kaz that he has created; the appearance that he has designed for himself which brings others to fear him.

Appearances are very important to Kaz. He believes that the power that you have over others is directly proportional to the way that you appear to them. If Kaz can give off the impression that he is in charge, then others will believe that he is actually in charge. Because of this, he is always dressed in impeccable clothing. His shirts are always wrinkle-free and often tucked into his dress pants, and his collars are crisp and well-ironed. Often times, an expensive watch will adorn his wrist, though he wears a different watch each time that he goes out. These watches are often won and lost in underground clubs and grimy bars during late night games of poker.

Kaz is sly, coy, and enjoys feeding on other peoples' weaknesses. Kaz often refers to himself as a casanova, and he will frequently make sleazy comments about how much of a heartbreaker he is. His inflated ego is due partially to the attention that he receives from women -though never the right kind of women - and he is well-aware of how handsome and charming he can be. He has a distinctive strut and an aura about him: dark, dementing, and charming. The women know him well by his distinguishing smell of twilight aftershave and suffocating amounts of dark cologne; they simply follow his scent whenever they hope to have an encounter with him.

Kaz has a hard time building any lasting bonds with others because he treats them as though they are simply his playthings. He has no desire to keep anyone around for too long, and he often manipulates the women who are attracted to him until he gets what he wants. He has no problem using 'relationships' to get what he desires and will sleep around if he believes that it will benefit him in some way. In relationships, he has a disregard for others' feelings and will often act or say things without considering the consequences. Perhaps the reason that Kaz's relationships are always temporary is because he pushes others away as a precautionary method. Inwardly, Kaz knows that once a women realizes how cruel of a monster he is, she would never choose to stay with him. In order to avoid being abandoned, he must first be the abandoner. In a world where it is kill or be killed, Kaz chooses to cut relationships short before he has the opportunity to be deserted.

Kaz claims that he doesn't know failure. One of his favorite pastimes is playing poker, and if he is having a good night, he will often quit while he is ahead so that he doesn't have the opportunity to lose. However, if he is having a slow start, he must continue to play until he is winning. Kaz only enjoys recreational activities when he is successful; he loves anything that can strengthen his egocentric nature. Kaz also enjoys befriending the elderly and occasionally engages in a game of chess with the old and wise. Some mistake this as the 'good nature' in Kaz, but the only reason that he keeps older company is because he knows that they have had a long time to figure out what does and doesn't work out in life, and he hopes that they will share some of their knowledge with him. Occasionally the elderly folks that Kaz befriends will also possess many assets, and when they pass away, they have no one to leave their material possessions to except for Kaz. For Kaz, material wealth is only an added benefit of forming these temporary connections.

Though Kaz may appear impulsive and unpredictable to others, he is rather meticulous and calculated. Kaz never acts without thinking through the ways that his actions may benefit him. He is always quick to lend a hand to others, not for the sake of being kind, but because he believes that this will give him more power over the person he has assisted. Kaz believes that everyone is constantly indebted to him and will not hesitate to call in a favor. Those who are not smart enough to say no when he offers his help find themselves pulled into his schemes and are often forced to steal, lie, and cheat to give Kaz what he desires. Occasionally, Kaz will even call in favors with local gangs who he has built a rapport with. If someone is interested in a business deal, Kaz can most often be found in the darkest corners of the least reputable bars drinking hard liquor. He is the mysterious man that everyone has been warned about, and ignoring these warnings can be detrimental.

As a Raven-Fox hybrid, Kaz despises birds of all kinds. They remind Kaz of his weaker half, and he doesn't like to confront his own flaws or weaknesses. He does, however, feed off of others' weaknesses to give himself the illusion that he has more power than he truly does. He is sadistic and enjoys humiliating others and making them feel powerless. He is merciless and would rather watch someone suffer through torture than actually kill them. Killing is far too messy, and there is always the possibility of leaving a trail. He feeds off of others' hatred as well; he believes it is better to be feared than to be loved. He genuinely enjoys others' sorrow and despair because he has learned how to avoid feeling these emotions for himself.

Kaz dislikes being touched and will snap when someone invades his personal space without permission. Because of his own dark nature, Kaz is unwilling to trust others and is a light-sleeper. In theory, Kaz sleeps with one eye open, careful never to expose himself to any vulnerabilities. He is excellent at wielding weapons and good at fighting with his bare hands. He is clever, agile, and quick on his feet, and he can think his way out of any tricky situation. He loves to spend his time alone because it allows him to plot his next wrongdoing. His nemesis is his own cousin Ethan, who follows in his tracks to undo all of the damage that Kaz has done. Wherever he goes, Kaz leaves a path of destruction behind him.

✓ likes
- winning
- music
- poker/chess
- whiskey
- being alone
- others despair
✕ disLikes
- birds
- messes
- surprisingly he doesn't like killing; too messy
- waiting
- sweets
- failing









Coming Soon

[Coming Soon]

Madame X


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Ethan Asano


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Coming Soon


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi quam dui, tempus et tristique quis, mollis interdum turpis. Suspendisse quis eros turpis. In lobortis condimentum mi congue venenatis. Nulla facilisi. Mauris fermentum sem odio, a egestas turpis dignissim eu. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus scelerisque in urna eget aliquam. Phasellus porta sollicitudin egestas. 

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