
3 years, 7 months ago

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He my Dino Dog


Rascal grew up with a loving family but his family always struggled with finances. They lived in an apartment in the big city in a pretty rough area. Rascal was the only child but his parents had to work 2 jobs each to even afford to live in the apartment they had and the medical bills for Rascal. Rascal was born blind, and so much money went into making sure he could live his best life. At 14 Rascal met a boy his age that promised him he could make his family no longer live in debt or fear. He couldn’t imagine that life and with that promise he accepted this young boys offer. This is when he encounters the gang known as “The Bloody Flamingos.” And he soon found himself far to deep in water to get out of what he caused. He became a member known as Rut. Though the gang was right his parents didn’t have to worry about world struggles again. Because 1 year into being in the gang his initiation was given to him. “Kill the people you care about. You wanna be apart of this gang only thing you should love is this gang.” He was faced with his life or his parents, and with that he did what was asked. Tears were shed as his parents lives faded. But that was just the start of what he had to give to his gang. 

As Rascal grew so did his body count, “Rut” became one of the most feared gang member they had. And one night he found himself waking up at gun point. The leader “Bloody Fangs” was dead, and by who, he couldn’t even imagine. A young female, a sex slave, had taken the life and claimed the “crown.” Pink Flamingo was all everyone knew her by, but it wasn’t long before he met her. He was taken to her home, and sat in a chair as they waited for her to arrive. 

Her arrival was just the start. Pink was 20 and extremely small, he found it kind of amusing. Pink was a spitfire, he learned that she was in the gang since she was kidnapped at a few months old. She was Bloody Fangs sex slave since she was 16. And she was nothing to mess with. Pink and Rascal were soon in a tussle when Rascal made a comment about her bluffing. This is when Rascal sliced Pink’s thigh. The fight was over and he felt terrible, he cared for her wound and stay the night to make sure she would be okay. Pink admired him, he soon became second in command. 

Years went by and Rascal and Pink who real name was Mika become close, but never admitted the feelings they had. One night the rival gang The Terrible Panthers broke into Mika’s house. Mika soon found herself in a car bound. But thankfully Rascal was at the house. He rescued Mika and they fled, no longer wanting the life they had in this gang. Mika and him fled the country, they confessed feelings and Rascal soon found himself married to his love. They had many struggles with their new life. 

Mika and Rascal tried to have children but sadly they had two miscarriages. Mika had permanent damage within her body that made it quite hard to have children. And her PTSD made it quite hard to even have enough peace within her life to have children. But they never gave into this. Mika went to therapy, and with the help and support Rascal gave. Rascal became a father of two beautiful twin girls, who they named Trinity and Anna. They have a beautiful home in the country were they are raising their two daughters and putting their life of crime behind them.