


3 years, 7 months ago



Name Mugen✖︎Муген
D.O.B. 25 October
Zodiac Sign Scorpio ♏️
Gender male
Species canine
Weapon polearm
Hobby fights and travel
Voice: Daisuke Hirakawa Song link

A lover of spontaneous meetings and hot fights - Mugen is always looking for what he likes and always finds it. He adores passion in all its manifestations and appreciates spontaneity and unpredictability in life. No one ever knows what is going on in his head, but in battle he is as ardent and passionate as a fiery flame. He seems to wreak havoc wherever he goes, but Mugen loves to have fun most of all and always finds opponents equal in strength. He does not like boredom and monotony, so every day he travels in search of something new and unpredictable. He knows how to manage blood (his own and someone else's) and create sharp piercing needles from it, and can also introduce another person into hypnosis. Due to its destructive power, he was imprisoned for a long time under retaining.


  • fights
  • freedom
  • spontaneous meetings
  • spicy food
  • have fun
  • cold steel arms


  • boredom
  • whiners
  • nerds
  • sweet food
  • tight clothing
  • predictability and routine


Mugen is very spontaneous, passionate and sometimes chaotic. Nobody knows what is in his head. However, he is proud and very principled, so he will never deal with someone who, he believes, is weaker than himself. Every day Mugen seeks spontaneous adventures and hot battles with worthy opponents, he does not like the monotony in life. This passionate inner strength drives him all his life and sometimes it is destructive not only for himself, but also for those around him. Because of this, he was imprisoned in a dungeon under special seals, but after many years he fled from there and continues his wanderings again. Danger and unpredictability always turns him on. Mugen, it seems, lacks the concept of "good" and "evil", his morality of the world is completely different from ordinary ones.


Mugen knows how to control his own and other people's blood, as well as introduce other people into hypnosis. He is not afraid of deep wounds, because the blood that he loses will turn into huge and sharp thorns that can pierce through his opponent. He can also use the enemy's blood against themself if he has time to wound or scratch him. In the place where he was imprisoned, they tried in every possible way to bypass the ways to wound him before the appearance of blood, or to let him injure them themselves, because they knew about his ability to control their blood. However, with severe wounds, it does take some time to heal. It seems he doesn't like to show himself from weak sides...


He has very fluffy hair and coat that shines red. Mugen's hair is encased in a puffy ponytail, and the ends of the hair are quite sharp. It is present in both human and feral form. Mugen's tail is a bare bone between which is a viscous red substance (similar to blood or magma). Its tail is very powerful and it can literally smash objects with it. It also has long curved claws on its hind legs and sharp, patterned forelegs. In the form of a human, he also has a tail, and his legs are like dog paws. He has disheveled hair with a ponytail. Mugen hardly wears outerwear - he only has a loose shirt and loose pants. The torso is wrapped in bandages. There are scars on Mugen's body. He also wears a three-eye necklace and red earrings.



Nexus [ relationship ]

Once upon a time, Nexus sealed Mugen on a distant empty planet. But people did not stop calling for Mugen and his powers only grew, eventually getting out of control. Mugen loves to play pranks on Nexus and fight him respecting his strength, but he can't stand his temperament, so they are each other's natural enemies.


Sirius [ relationship ]



Character [ relationship ]


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