
3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Murias
Age: (immortal)
Race: helhest
Story: [One Eye Sees Heaven]

Strong-willed and fiercely loyal. Affectionate towards Bran, who he protects with the same intensity that he once devoted to the graveyard he watched over.

Once a living horse, Murias was sacrificed in a traditional ritual to turn him into a helhest, an eternal guardian for the graveyard he was buried alive in. Since then he's spent centuries watching over the place and destroying or driving off would-be threats to the burials there.
When he was awoken by necromancy being performed in the graveyard, he found himself fighting alongside a city guardsman named Bran against the common threat provided by the would-be necromancers. Murias's resting place was destroyed in the ensuing fight; feeling a sense of obligation to the creature, who would otherwise perish without a sanctified place to rest during the daylight, Bran bonded with Murias and let the helhest take refuge with him by gathering graveyard soil and scraps of Murias's physical remains and carrying them beyond the graveyard. Now they exist as partners and allies in their adventures.

Additional Notes
luminous tattoo/marking on Bran's left ribcage, bonding him to Murias