Akira Toyotomi



3 years, 10 months ago


Akira Toyotomi
Makeup Artist
East Asian/White
Boulevard of Broken Dreams


Artistic • Hot-headed • Insecure • Contemplative

Akira is the youngest in a family of three: himself, his older sister, Sakura, and his mother. During his childhood, Akira frequently traveled the state of Californiawith his mother and sister as Sakura found growing success as an actress, and it was in the capacity as the bored little brother that Akira first discovered his talent for makeup.

After gaining some renown as a makeup artist and prosthetic specialist on the sets of several well-received films during his teenage years, Akira received an invitation to join a prestigious institution as the Ultimate Makeup Artist.


  • Candy
  • Dogs
  • Skateboarding
  • Street art


  • Formal attire
  • Needles
  • Cleaning
  • Stiff brushes
"I'm not a bad guy. I'm just an asshole."


Akira Toyotomi grew up in a rough neighborhood of Oakland, California. His father left the family when Akira was two years old, and he has no memories of him. While it's hard to say how much this impacted the young Akira, he was distrustful of men growing up and strongly rejected the Asian element of his heritage - inherited from his father, a Japanese national. Between this resentment, having little contact with Asian Americans outside of immigrant families, and the indifference of his mother to her childrens' Asian identities, he never felt a strong attachment to his identity as an Asian American.

His mother struggled with her mental health and struggled to maintain work. Instead, she poured most of her energy into her eldest child, Akira's sister Sakura, and her nascent acting career. The family took frequent trips to L.A. and other entertainment hubs in California so that Sakura could audition for various roles on screen and on the stage. While Akira was initially discouraged from participating, he developed a notable talent for applying Sakura's makeup at a very young age, to the extent that he was encouraged to do stage makeup for entire casts.

Soon, he was being paid small fees for his services, and as he grew older and his technique matured, his sister also grew as an actress. She made her screen debut as a minor character in a superhero film when she was twelve, and as Akira was exposed to the techniques of stage makeup professionals in production studios, his skills skyrocketed. By the time he was fifteen, he was being requested to work on projects that had nothing to do with Sakura.


• Dyed green hair

• 5'10", 166lb

• Pale skin with a small scar over his left eye

• Monolid eyes and a longish, thin nose

• Typically wears a red snapback, a dark grey or black hoodie, a T-shirt, usually black, baggy cargo pants or jeans, and black sneakers.


• Akira was initially developed as a character in a Danganronpa fan-game that was never made. He was designed to be a killer.

• His older sister is a well-known actress. Her success is what brought him renown as a makeup artist.

• He owns a blonde Yorkie named Manhattan.

• He has an interest in skateboarding and street art.



Sakura Tomi

Sister. Sakura Toyotomi (stage name Sakura Tomi) is Akira's older sister and a well-known actress. It's her success on stage and in films that brough Akira's talent to the attention of potential employers, and on some occassions she made her acceptance of contracts contingent on Akira receiving his own contract as a makeup artist on set.
The siblings have a somewhat tumultuous relationship. They grew up very close, Akira acting as a major support for his sister while she was being pressured to act as the family's breadwinner, and both of them suffering under their mother's tight control. However, as they grew older, Akira became rebellious in ways that Sakura feared would tarnish her image, and he began to delight in upsetting her with his antics. Beyond that, Akira still resents that Sakura is the reason he was ever noticed by industry officials. He experiences a great deal of shame over this fact, and he questions his ability to succeed without help. During his killing game, his ambivalent relationship with his sister was used to manipulate him into committing the second murder.

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