Amhnei Innetheide



3 years, 6 months ago


she's a selkie
she stays on land more than in the water to be with her wife Kazulia and just because she likes it
the seal skin shifts into the dress that she wears most of the time, at any point she can turn it back and become a seal again

She grew up in the oceans as a seal but one day a few years ago (idk how old she is) she wanted to venture onto land and meet some humans against her family's wishes
She went to the human village off the shore, posing as a human she caught the eye of a man
He quickly charmed her with his human habits but just before she revealed that she was a selkie a sky elf came in
The sky elf was named Kazulia and was the humans ex, it turns out that he sought after rare and beautiful mythical women and  seduced them to show off to his friend
He didn't deny it and Amhnei fled the village, she and Kaz quickly fell for eachother but then one day Kaz just vanished
A week later she came back and was completely greyscale, she said that she had a curse that anyone she loved would die but that it was gone now
Amhnei knew that vibrancy = beauty in sky elf culture and that it was more important than anything to them but to her if anything it was just less headache inducing to look at, seeing as where she's from there's little color other than the blue sea