


3 years, 6 months ago


he/him(doesnt have gender but everybody assumed he)

species: bunshark(ml)

hight: higher then human, cudly boi with totoro size yooooo

age: human 13y.o.


- realy cudly boi with big brotherly nature

- running on all fours and racing with the other bunsharks, cuz they chubby or bored and wanna play with him and he enjoys playing and interacting with them

- were found by deepocean people and selled in the shore with other bunsharks they catched there, and they were realy big, i couldnt snag even one of them cuz i were late to the sales, but they got resaled to me for a favor

- when winter comes he becomes so energetic and has good mood

- even tho he still litle kid but he already know like alot tho nobody never saw him lern how to write n read

- eat alot of food and drinks also cuz he grow fast

- had darker colors but they kinda peeled off once upon a time

- love to swim in cold water lake with koi fish, what if hes some sort of deepwater megalodon??

- white stars were painted by larry and hornet  ..he cant wash em off