


3 years, 5 months ago


Estriis Ja'rou
Age 5000+
Birthday 1st of Oudrin
Height 2.95m / 9'7''
Gender Male
Pronouns He / Them
Species Skarrid Avarri
Orient. Pansexual
Status Single
Significant Other N/A
Personality Stats
Domestic Life
Home Sa'vel
World Arivir
Job Council member, Libra
Worth €?
Type Main
Status Active
Creator Eggdis
Layout by Cheeriko
Gods are fickle things, they can give but will also take.

Estriis is the oldest known Skarrid alive. He has experienced various wars and the death of his celestial siblings multiple times over. He does his best to stay a passive and neutral party. He doesn't enjoy showing his emotions to people not in his inner circle, making his appear as a stoic and unfriendly person. Which is exactly how he wants to be precieved by the lesser Avarris.


Suspendisse sed convallis est. Morbi at sem ultricies, iaculis ipsum venenatis, maximus arcu. Integer et congue mi, sit amet efficitur erat. Aenean sed mi eget augue pellentesque ornare. Duis consequat, dui vel rutrum laoreet, neque ex vehicula lacus, eget efficitur ante erat vitae leo. Phasellus ac euismod ligula. Duis molestie lacus tortor, in cursus nisi varius a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

Design Notes:
  • The cloak he wears are actually his wings. They are quite thin and allow for draping, but they are also quite strong and can support flight. Like with all Avarris, he can hide his wings at will, however he prefers them visible.
  • He usually has his wings partially draped over himself, hiding away the fact he has 4 arms.
  • His horns are grown to be twisting over one another.
  • On the inside of his wings there are zodiac signs, these temporarily disappear when one of the signs dies but returns when they are back in the mortal fold.
  • He usually wears victorian esque clothing.


Estriis generally has a calm and focused demeanor, thinking things trough before taking actions. He does his best to keep his emotions locked up so that people won't toy with them, but often fails to do so. His cold exterior is but a simple ploy to harbor a hurt and upset child. It's very easy for him to hold grudges as he tends to take most minor inconviniences as personal attacks. He is quite a bitter person, strongly believing that the reincarnation cycle the Skarrid experience is a cruel joke, put upon them by their sadist creator, A'vock.

On the flip side, he is very protective of the other Skarrid, ushering them to safety when he deems it neccesairy.


  • He absolutely despises Capricorn as he keeps finding ways to get killed and forces Estriis to keep looking for where he gets reborn.
  • He often burns insences in the scales on his horns and is usually surrounded by a pleasant smell.
  • He has some tattoos done in white ink, they have bioluminecent ink as well that allow them to glow in the dark.
  • He tends to refer to other Skarrid by their sign. He rarely refers to them by their name.
  • He took Virgo under his wing when they died for the first time. Essentially adopting the freshly reincarnated Skarrid. This would be the only time he adopted a child.
  • Libra was the last designed in my Avarris Zodiac set.


  • Suspendisse
  • Pellentesque
  • Vulputate
  • Convallis
  • Vestibulum

Skills & Abilities

Estriis' most prominent ability is one that allows him to influence other people's emotions. He is usually surrounded by a pleasant, calming smell. He naturally produces this smoke and it's usually influenced by his own feelings, but can also be altered with herbs. He can also use his Haze ability to create smokescreens, although these fade away rather quickly and aren't nearly as thick as the clouds Aries can make.
Estriis is able to freely teleport to any place on Arivir that he wishes to. He commonly uses it as a way to check up on the other Skarrid, and to lead them to safety when they experience a new reincarnation cycle. Although he also often uses this ability to simply flee from uncomfortable situations and as a way to not have to tend to his responsibilities.
Maecenas a laoreet
In ut nisi quam. Integer quis luctus eros, ut imperdiet metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc nec erat vel ex ultrices bibendum nec non est.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sed nisi sapien. Quisque ac nulla eu justo porta placerat. Duis eu rhoncus dolor. Maecenas non aliquet diam. Aliquam suscipit, augue ut fermentum luctus, ligula lacus maximus nulla, sit amet vehicula nibh mi sed elit. Vivamus imperdiet, enim sed blandit euismod, metus dolor fermentum nibh, non pulvinar augue metus eget enim. Quisque eget mollis diam, sed sodales ligula. Praesent finibus turpis eu arcu semper mattis non at turpis. Vivamus eu porta dui. Vivamus arcu massa, suscipit ac vestibulum eget, mattis aliquet libero. Curabitur venenatis massa sed nulla hendrerit lacinia et eu ex.

Thirteen | Friend? Crush?
There's something really endearing in Thirteen that draws the old Skarrid towards him. They get along very well and there is this sense of home between them. He just really suffers with how dense Thirteen is in terms of accepting his advances.
A'vock | Celestial parent
Estriis absolutely despises A'vock, purely for the reason that he didn't save the other Skarrid from getting murdered in the first few years of the world. He has spent years of his live holding a grudge towards the deity, and isn't about to stop now.
Tesei | Dear friend
In their previous life, Tesei was his child. He still loves them as if they were his child, occasionally he forgets they prefer not to be called Denna. But old habits die hard. They're currently one of the few people Estriis feels comfortable dropping his guard around. They're also often the subject to infoumps with very little warning or context to why they got them.
Gemini | 'Grand Kids'
He cares about these kids a lot, although he much preferred when they were still little children and had little children problems. He also misses being able to babysit them, but makes up for that with frequent visits. He largely still acts on an ancient oath neither of the twins remember anything about, but is still very important for him to keep.
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