Clover (RotTMNT)



9 months, 23 days ago


Name Clover

Age same as April

Gender mare (transfem)

Pronouns she/her

Sign aries

Species unicorn yokai

Orientation sapphic

Occupation witch barista, idol

Voice claim Skip to 0:16



Clover is a kind and sweet unicorn - she seems like a very shy individual, but it never check out. She always knows what she wants and it's afraid to ask for it.
She can even be described as brave and chaotic (VERY similar to April), always ready to protect her friends and defend her barriers.
She's bubbly, outgoing and expressive - sometimes to the point when her emotions get the hold of her, and she ends up doing things she regrets, like acting overly angry towards her friends.
She's one of the witches of hidden city, and has knowledge on usage of herbs - wether it's for magical purpose or not.
She learns how to use her power from the stars and is well-versed in astrology. Her power manifests as yellow (or golden) lightning.
She works as a barista at a coffee&tea shop called Opal Brew, specialising in different herbal drinks and promoting the w Witch Town outside of it. Sometimes it also sells treasures of earth like gemstones - but only for the worthy ones…
Funny... I joined the witches to learn about stars, and because of them I became one myself.

Clover was a curious kid, at six years old wandering out to the darkest pits of the hidden city. She stumbled across a cat yokai her age and got interested in him practicing black magic - they became friends, which led to Clover getting interested in witchcraft, and teaching Berunrun how to sing.

By the time Berunrun started using his own magic seriously for the first time, his misfortune curse started showing, and it led to the first disaster.
Both Beru and Clo found themselves in a life-threatening situation, and when they made it home safely, instead of getting angry the unicorn was so happy to have made it out alive to the point where she started laughing from joy and hugging him.

And despite the disasters still happening, and despite the other yokai seeing Dea as cursed… Clover didn't care. She still saw him as a person and as a friend, not as a "dangerous failure", like others did. The friendship continued, and they both supported each other with their interests, learning from the other in the process. It was Clover who taught Berunrun to love his friends so dearly and be brave at all times.
(Clover's parents unfortunately forbid her from meeting him too often, so their meet-ups were pretty rare)

Except at some point, Berunrun started changing, and stepped into dark paths that Clover didn't understand.
"I hope we're still friends… I hope you don't mind" from the cat obviously didn't help.
Berunrun, now choosing to be called Deadeye, went from a person she knew to the one she… didn't.
And it hurt, because despite trying she didn't get him to stop.

She had no idea how Berunrun really felt, but she refused to hear any explanations, she just wanted him to not be a bad person.
For her… Berunrun died.
It was only then she broke their friendship.

In late middle school joined a small local group of witches (the ones we see in Rise) - they only had a few members at the time, with a small town under their protection, but Clover was really grateful for their kindness and understanding when they taught her their skills. It was the first group (outside of hers and Berunrun's family) she came out to as a trans girl, and the support she received, especially from elderly ladies, made her cry!!

Turns out that the witches also protected the hidden city from a giant beast, but barely anyone in the hidden city knew about it. She used her new skills to promote the group as a sign of gratefulness (mostly through light shows/ light dance, either on social media or dancing contests). And yes, she did succeed in helping the group grow to an ENORMOUS size, but something even bigger happened: her performances became famous, and after a few years of work (and trying out singing) she pretty much became something of an idol in the hidden city…

She treats performing as a hobby now, potential profits sending to witches and charities. Her actual job is a themed coffee&tea place that also sells herbs and gems, called Opal Brew.

Berunrun / Deadeye Former childhood friend

Clover broke their friendship at around 12 years old. She didn't understand the reason why Berunrun was becoming a bad person, and refused to support his explanations. More info in links!

Yui wip



Mayor Mira Employer

Clo's employer. She's a major of the witch town that Clover helped to develop by an incredible amount. The unicorn became the first employee of a new cafe somewhere outside of the town that promoted the witch town encouraged the customers to visit it, also helping local witches by selling magical supplies.

Gentry Best friends

They met just when Clover was starting to promote the group. The girls immediatly became best friends thanks to their matching attitudes.

Donatello Friendly rivals

Despite their neverending magic vs science debates, they often collab and chat.
"She may use the inferior source of energy but I AM okay with interacting with her due to her taste in colors." "So like... purple bonding?"

April Semi-best friends

They match their energy a lot, both being often chaotic, but also helpful and understanding. If not their limited free time and the long-distance friendship, they would be best friends!

Raphael Friend / Acquaintance

Clover finds him really sweet and would love to become friends, but he's very shy near her. He finds it difficult to behave normally around a famous person.

They both admire her for her skills. Got pretty hyped over seeing a unicorn