


3 years, 10 months ago



Name Aelius
Called Aelius, Louie
Age 21
Gender he/him/his
Race "human" (see About)
Role the dm hasn't told me
Alignment neutral
Theme Song link

The son of a Lord in the south, and the last child left in the castle. After Asherah was banished, Aelius runs away to try and find her and escape his father.


  • being by the ocean
  • his sister
  • his mother
  • being alone


  • being lonely
  • his father
  • swimming
  • running


The youngest son of 14, he and his sister are the 13th and 14th children of a Nobleman of the South. His family has lived on the edge of an eroding seashore for generations, haivng settled there after being banished by the sea, watching as the sea eats more and more of their land. They can never return to the ocean, but being too far causes too much discomfort, so as an effort to save his family's bloodline and fortune, Aelius's father decided to have as many children as possible, with the best bloodlines he could find. He's had many wives,and many healthy children, but his final wife was apparently a failure, as Aelius and his sister seemed to have inheirited their weak lungs from her and, growing up, often get sick and have trouble running for long periods of time. Their bad health was a subject of shame to their father who would often try and push them past the point of safety. When it didn't make them stronger, he confined them to the castle gounds, keeping them hidden, and according to him, safe. Despite this, Aelius loves to travel down to the nearby town in secret, along with Asherah, to help the people who never seem to have what they need.

Growing Up

Aelius and his sister,Asherah , were the last children to be raised in the family. With a rather large age gape between them and their older brothers and sister, they grew up much closer to each other than to the others. Unfortunatly, Aelius and his sister were prone to getting sick, along with their mother. It would get worse in the cold and one such winter, while the twins were able to recover, their mother did not, despite the doctor's claiming she should have a slow but eventualy recovery. His father was relentless that all his children get married after that, having lost the money that their mother brought to the family. Since his children were noble, they could be exchanged, money to his family, land to the other and he began slowly finding other nobles to exchange gold and land for his children's hand. Eventually Asherah and Aelius were the last one's left, and their father still wanted more wealth.


Strength is an important part of his family. Due to Aelius's poor health growing up, fighting using a sword for long periods of time is impossible for him. Using a bow, and the occasional knife, he's been slowly building his arsonal, even if his father doesn't approve. Once Aelius runs away, his skills in sneaking, archery, and knife fighting are some of the few things that keep him alive.

Running Away

So....he ran away from home with Asherah's ex-fiance. Aelius just needed to not be alone, and he knew that the guy cared for his sister, even if it was more platonic than romantic. But by the gods he needed to get his sister back and if the only guy that cared enough was an ex, so be it.



Asherah [ sister ]

Asherah is one of the two people he considers family. After she gets banished, it spurrs Aelius to run away and try and find her. He knows that together things can return to "normal."


Character [ ally ]

Asherah's old almost husband. Helped her leave the marriage, and helped Aelius run away from home.


Character [ relationship ]

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