


3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


8'2" (249 cm)


Brianne can be an imposing figure to come across, a towering dragoness that can almost exclusively be found deep in the wildest and most overgrown areas of the forest, framed by equally large wings appearing to be made of the very woods she inhabits. Thankfully for many an erstwhile adventurer who has stumbled upon her she is a peaceful soul, far more likely to ignore or flee another's presence than to react with any hostility. Anyone wishing to make contact during such an encounter will find her polite but reserved, more interested in the nature surrounding her than her conversation partner. Despite her solitary nature some intrepid folk have made it a point to seek her out seasonally and she has slowly warmed up to a few of them, even managing to maintain a trading relationship with one outgoing witch.

She is known to spend her springs and falls in the local forest or riding the gusts above the ocean it borders. While at first it was thought she chose to make her home in the most lush areas of the forest it has since been observed that her mere presence makes all local wildlife, fauna and flora alike, flourish and grow to extraordinary levels. Instead of seeking out verdant areas she makes them as she chooses a section of the forest to call home each season that she returns. As knowledge of this effect has spread local hunters and foragers alike have started leaving offerings out in the late summer and winter in hopes of enticing her to choose to inhabit an area of the forest closer to them. Some have gone so far to declare her a minor nature deity although she would deny such a title.