


7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full name

Miles "Gizmo" A. Thaddeus






Resistance Activist, Scrap collector, inventor, part-time mechanic

Personality in a nutshell

Polite, caring, introverted, kind of a pacifist, awkward


voice claim: [TBA]

Gizmo's known to be a rather introverted kind of guy, even out on the battlefield; He'll try to go about on a pacifist approach whenever he can, and at times, just refuses to use his gun to solve a issue. He tends to try and think his way out of situations; he tries to be the brains of the group, instead of fighting without thinking.

Miles had grown up alone; he didn't know his parents too well, ending up being a kid, a streetrat in his own town. It was his fascination with toy robots and any scrap he could possibly find in his home town was where everything began for him. A man by the name Willie had noticed how the big city had left kids abandoned, due to the big boom of technology, order, and luxury overall - at the same time, this is when he had found both Miles and Clarissa. The two had quickly become taken under his wing, brought in to be taken care of, for no parent would care for either of them to begin with. As time progressed, Gizmo had grown up, learning to take on more projects and missions that the Resistance gave him, and he did so with a hopeful smile. Gizmo merely wished for the world to get better; to look past what the current leaders of his hometown, the city, would lie about to its own people, and even more the way they manipulated their citizens to the extreme. Gizmo is now on the mission with his team of considered-family to take the current leaders down, and finally put an end to the lies they hold.