Chowon Dae Hanuel ๐ŸŒŠ



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

All Closed Species from the world of Gaidinia

Creator of the species and world TH Sasori DA Aremisu





Chowon Dae Hanuel






Profesional Violinist


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Chowon is very cold and not much of a talker. Since his divorce he has been very closed off towards people and doesn't talk to others. In front of others, during concerts and parties he does his best to act normal and very friendly like he was before his divorce but really can't stand being around other because he always is asked about his divorce. He is a sad heartbroken fool but he won't let that show, if anything he is a very well collected man and is always well kept/dressed. Currently taking medicine for depression still he tries to hide it but has been very supporative of donating money to mental health organizations.

Chowon is half American half Korean. His father met his mother while he was aboard in Korea for a business trip. They married not too long after meeting and two years later Chowon was born. Chowon grew up with everything a kid could want or have but it all came with a price. His parents grew up very strict on him though and if he got any bad grades he was forced to stay up all night and study regardless of how old he was. On top of good grades Chowon was forced to partake in learning the piano, vocal training, archery, fencing, ice skating, and multiple musical instruments. Chowon was skilled and excelled in all he did but that could have been due to the enormous pressure his parents put onto him.

The one thing Chowon did excell at without any real practice or having to push himself to the edge was the violin.. By the time Chowon was 12 he had mastered the violin and he was putting on solo show performances. There was also another older student but they had mastered the piano, and were excellent in chess and debate. To Chowon this other teenager was his enemy and his father tried to push him to be better than this kid. Still there were things the other kid could do that just came natural to him while Chowon himself was suffering and pushing himself to sleep exhaustion to just be on the same level as the other kid. Chowon wasnโ€™t sure what to do and it was all starting to take a toll on his body and his mental state. During a concert and he was starting to perform his solo piece he stood slowly but a few seconds into the solo he suddenly fell and fainted. His body finally gave out and needed rest but at the worst time possible. This would happen before but he always made it through performances so for this to happen he didnโ€™t see it coming. He woke up in the hospital with an IV in his arm giving him fluids. He sighed as his vision blurred and tears started to form his eyes. He was sure his parents werenโ€™t here at the hospital but he could already hear their disappointed voices telling him how they couldnโ€™t believe he couldnโ€™t make it through the performance at least, was he not thinking of how this would look on them since he was still a kid not yet even a teenager. He felt a hand touch his hand as he gripped the bedding, making him jump. It was his rival, what was he doing here? He wasnโ€™t sure what the guy was doing here but it hurt so much and he had never had anyone be there for him and he heard the other male tell him everything was going to be okay and that he had been asleep for a few days straight but he was happy that he was okay. Chowon started to cry, he sat up and hugged the other male. The other male just held him and rubbed his back smiling softly telling him that it was okay now.



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