✺ Planet Funasu ✺ (Temperate)




Aka Cloud Land

Many enjoy visiting the upbeat place of Enchantia, a natural amusement park. The entrance greets you with a large shiny arch. Special clouds allow anyone to walk right on them though winged Confonsters may have a better time with easier exploration. There’s also rainbow ”cloudfalls” that hang above the sky and constantly create rainbow waters, purple fluffy fur styled grass covers the ground, and there’s rainbow stone paths that lead you around the place. The rainbow water in some parts of Enchantia can temporarily turn one’s fur into a multicolored sight. While there are happy clouds and sparkling sunshine, thunderstorms can still occur. At nighttime the rainbow cloudfalls glow and as well as some species of plants that help light the colorful pebble paths all across Enchantia.

For the higher up cloudfalls the water evaporates (fades into the sky) before it can reach the ground. Cloudfalls closer towards the ground provide lakes and are near permanent additions.


Not a 100% accurate depiction but yee xD

37282044_l9bYGmmdk0Mb2PI.pngPartly inspired after Red beach in Panjim, China

32282980_JAx293zia9iVkvX.jpg32282970_snbplxNf2230Lct.jpgA romantic part of Funasu, almost everything here is pink and red, having a sort of Valentine’s theme. Loveblush is a great place for couples to go to and in general to treat yourself. Couples like to visit this place at least once in their lifetime. There’s miles of pink flowers that grow along the ground and there’s wooden platforms and bridges to view it all and take pictures. There's also swirling rivers with canoes.

Love Peak

Some parts of Loveblush has bumpy hills and mountains. The largest mountain, Love Peak, has a plateau in front that provides a gorgeous view of the whole area. Pink flowers form a perfect heart in the center of it where couples like to sit. There’s also a cave behind with a miniature waterfall inside and pool that has glowing shimmery pink water.

Sometimes petals from flowers will blow away in the wind and create a harmonizing scene.


On the opposite side of Love Peak is Heart-Break; a monochromatic blue area with opposite vibes. It almost constantly rains and the water that collects shimmers a light blue. Confonsters that become sad may naturally drift to Heart-Break and think about going there


A biome with many bumpy hills both big and small. A lot of the foliage and grass here is a dark teal and it rains almost daily. The climate is almost like a tropical rainforest but having less dense foliage, making it an ideal spot for a variety of exotic plants and foods. The rain water helps grow these plants and it’s also collected for drinking water where some gets exported out of Rainsdale.

Confonsters that live here when going outside will regularly wear rain coats and rain boots making it pretty fashionable in this area. Rainsdale is more village-esque than urban city with a lot of the architecture being cottage styled.

☆ Forest ☆

Yukmire Hallow

A mysterious swampland riddled with ancient secrets. Confonsters that live here have their own huts and homes on stilts in and out of the water. Not much sunlight reaches through the thick foliage so it stays relatively dark all day.

Gulloo Forest

The large forest close to Party Plaza where Crystonia Caverns (reworking?) and Yukmire are located.

Starlight Forest

A forest loved by many, Normals and Radiants especially love to visit this homey forest to chill out for the night. There's lanterns, lampposts, and fire pits to light the pebble paths in a warming display. There's also hammocks and huts for Confonsters to hangout or nap in.

At nighttime the dark green-blue foliage gives off a dark blue hue. Firefly insects come out almost every night here which is always a sight to behold!

Star Meadow

In the center of Starlight Forest transitions into the more cleared out area of Star Meadow. It’s a grassy field that Confonsters like to go out in at night to see a clear view of the stars above. There's also star watching areas that provide quality free to use telescopes to view the stars in the sky.

Moon Lake

Concept art by demonpoker!


A large lake in the center of Star Meadow. It reflects the stars in the sky and Funasu's moon in a clear dazzling display.

There’s many star plants that like to grow here both in and out of the water. Some Confonsters like to swim in Moon Lake and drift in it at night.

Candy Island

Maybe not an island but def needs reworking, plays a significant part in lore esp for Sweebeasts

Spring Falls32283137_wjiz3SaIM6IZ4a6.jpgAn area of freshwater waterfalls both big and small. The area is mesmerizing with bridges to walk across pebbled rivers and pink trees that grow everywhere. Some Confonsters like to live here in the nearby forest where rivers are abundant, the architecture is Japanese inspired