Kouga Inuzuka



3 years, 7 months ago



Name Inuzuka Kouga
Called Kou
Age 21
Gender male
Pronouns he/him
Village rogue
Status deceased

The winter was so cold, the freezing breeze blowing through their patched clothes, chilling them to the bone. His mother coughed into her fist, her gloved hand coming away red and sticky with blood. Kouga felt his heart rapidly sinking into his stomach, his wide eyes staring up at his only remaining family.

She belatedly noticed his gaze, and turned to smile at him.

There was blood still at the corner of her mouth.

They were done for, weren't they?


  • sunny places
  • his puppy Chimaru
  • food
  • his mother


  • selfish people
  • the villages
  • the cold
  • being alone


Kouga was born from the result of an assault on his mother. At the time, the Inuzuka clan wasn't part of Konoha. They were still a semi-feral clan existing on their own in the wild. Their leadership was ruthless and cruel, leaving no room for mistakes. When the clan leaders found out that Kouga's mother was having an illegitimate child, despite knowing about the assault, they banished her. She had no choice but to leave, even though she was very pregnant.

birth & banishment

On her journey to find a place to live, she unexpectedly went into labor. She had to set up a home in an abandoned village. Alone, she gave birth to her son, Kouga. Originally, she didn't want to tell her son about his heritage, but she felt that she owed it to him. She planned to make some money to gift her son a dog, like the clan tradition. Although, she would never be able to get a ninken, she wasn't part of the inuzuka clan anyways.

They settled in a village at the bottom of a great mountain. She and her son weren't really accepted into the village, but they also didn't actively chase her out. In fact, she began working and crafting things to sell in the village, although he time was limited, since raising a child was difficult and time consuming. But if she could help it, Kouga never wanted for anything. He was far from spoiled, but she gave him as much attention and care as she could, sparing no expense.

Eventually, Kouga grew bigger, and started doing work as well. He wanted to support his mother as much as possible, because she was his only family, and the most loving person he'd ever known. When he turned 7, his mother finally saved up enough to purchase a husky puppy from a traveller who specialized in dog companions. When he heard of the small family's situation, he even marked a puppy in his care at a discount for them. The mother was very grateful, and now they had a puppy.

Kouga's work and money ended up funnelling back into the dog, he had to grow up rather quickly, accepting the responsibility of sole pet owner. The dog was easy to train, easy to love. It didn't complain much and was a good guard dog. However, at the same time, Kouga's mother began falling ill. Their new home was at the base of a mountain, in an area that was known for being frigid and cold all year around. They couldn't always afford new clothes, so they were often cold and in need of more firewood.

As Kouga grew older, his mother grew sicker. He decided to go into town to try and see if anyone knew about any way to cure the disease. He talked to many people, and they all directed him to a medicine man that was well known. He approached the man, asking about the disease and if there was any way to cure it. But the medicine man had seen this tiny family of two around town and had decided he didn't like their company. So he told Kouga that the medicine he sought was high up on the mountain.

So Kouga went back to his mother, and told her that he was going up the mountain to seek out an herb to cure her. The mother was too sick to speak, and was very weak. Kouga feared the worst and set out immediately with Chimaru. So the little 14 year old bundled up and started scaling the mountain.

death & curses

Up on the mountain, Kouga and Chimaru faced many challenges. They needed to hunt for food soon, their rations were not plentiful. They also needed a shelter, for the weather was bad up on the mountain. It was constantly snowing, the snow swirling and blocking all sight and sounds. Kouga and Chimaru built a tiny lean-to at first, catching hares and collecting berries. Doing this, they were able to survive for a few weeks with the bare minimum.

Kouga planned to search every inch of the mountain. He even kept detailed notes, even though his handwriting was damn near illegible. He was never formally taught, so even his grammar was hurting, although it was decipherable. He took note of every location where he didn't find the herb, as well as local flora, fauna, and prey. Eventually, months passed, and the two of them built an actual cabin. The cabin was much better for sheltering and storing food and supplies.

He often thought of his mother and if she was even still alive. He figured that even if she had passed on while he was up there, he could keep searching for the herb so that no one else will die like her. Little did he know, his mother had a fairly common illness. But no doctor would treat her, because their family were "outsiders" and she was very poor.

Eventually, Kouga and Chimaru had built a tiny life there on the mountain. It was peaceful, even with all the deadly weather and wildlife. His handwriting got gradually better, and his skills honed from surviving in the wild. But nothing could last forever. One day, a bad storm hit the mountain. It was so cold that Kouga couldn't even light a fire, his fingers were so cold. The storm wouldn't let up either; so their supplies dwindled. Eventually, after a week locked inside without and food, water, or warmth; Kouga succumbed to the elements.

However, his spirit was restless. He and Chimaru came back as ghosts, haunting the mountain and scaring away anyone who dared enter the mountain. Unfortunately, the mountain was quite dangerous, and Kouga and Chimaru's scaring just ended up making hikers and travellers confused and disoriented; and many of them simply got lost and died. The mountain festered in bad luck, many corpses littered its surface.

new company

After many decades of haunting the mountain, Kouga became somewhat of an urban legend. The boy and his dog, it was an urban legend that warned travellers to not cross the mountain or attempt to scale it. Everyone who went up would definitely disappear and never return. Many people at the base of the mountain have even claimed to have seen the spirits, a young man and his huge husky dog companion.

Eventually, the legend attracted the attention of Konoha, after an entire team went missing in the area of the mountain. Since the Uchiha were the protectors of Konoha, they sent one of their own to investigate. And the man they sent was Uchiha Shou.

The team that went missing on the mountain wasn't even really Kouga's doing. The group had simply got turned around, and when Kouga had tried to help them, they were paranoid and assumed he was some type of spy or assassin. They attacked him, and it made him angry, so he ran off. Since he was the only one who knew the way down the mountain, the group got helplessly lost. They were on the mountain for some time, and by the time Shou stepped foot on the mountain, the entire team had frozen to death, not even warm enough for wild wolves to eat, almost perfectly perserved in the icy cold.

Kouga figured he could've helped them, they'd only been a bit scared, but he didn't realize they were going to die so easily. Over the decades, he'd become used to the weather, and kept forgetting just how treacherous it was for living humans. In fact, he figured he might as well turn over a new leaf and help the next person to appear. Low and behold, it was Shou who appeared next.

Shou already seemed more capable than the last group. He was properly dressed, with the right survival gear and was seemingly well trained in tracking. He quickly found the teams remains, and even carried them one by one down the mountain. Kouga watched from a distance, mildly impressed by the man's dedication. If it were him, he would've left them there, not risk his life to give their families peace of mind. But he guessed thats where they were different. Besides, humans have never given him a reason to have that kind of loyalty and consideration for them. All they did was lie, steal, and destroy everything they touched. But Shou seemed different...

Shou didn't appear back on the mountain for a week, and when he DID come back, he seemed to be looking for something in particular. Kouga and Chimaru stayed hidden, but close enough to observe the Uchiha. They wondered what his intentions could be. Shou wandered around the mountain for a few days, going back down the mountain each time at dusk to prevent getting trapped up there. Kouga thought he was smart for doing that instead of trying to brave the elements.



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