


3 years, 5 months ago


sells flowers in cornertown, and has ties to a strange researcher there who shares a similar backstory.

flower was born with her curse, to a highly elite and well known couple in savnic city. the extremity of her curse, paired with the social positions her parents couldn't risk losing due to rumors, eventually led them to 'dispose' of the young spitten, after an attempt to raise her in secret while feeling that they truly loved her. love alone wasn't enough for the city, however, and when she was old enough to question why she couldn't leave the house, something had to happen.
the night came for one of their harpip attendants to whisk flower away to the forests outside of hevetti under the guise of a 'trip outside', where she was dropped off with a pat on the head amidst the strange magical landscape. 

unsurprisingly, due to savnic being a rumor riddled city, this is a very common disposal practice for spittens there that are born with a curse.
as a result, a group of nomadic harpip have secretly taken it upon themselves to find these kits and rescue them from the magic forests, before the land eats them alive. after picking them up, they're taken to cornertown, where they're raised properly among other cursed spinx and accepting nephians. 

flower was found in this same fashion, though she was a slightly unique case... she was old enough to be aware of her surroundings, and had come to the forest dressed in the most extravagant fashion money could buy. needless to say, she refused to leave the spot she was dropped off at, since she fully believed her parents were coming to pick her back up soon. of course this wasn't the case, but she still became unruly and often took to running off into the woods rather than going with the harpip group. 

finally, exhausted from her tantrums, she came to terms with her situation after another savnic spinx who was traveling with the harpips tracked her down to have a serious conversation. the two shared a unique bond, both being from the same city, and both being born cursed... she agreed to leave behind and forget her previous life so long as she could keep this new friend, and she's done just that.

flower tends to be withdrawn and careful around strangers, but is easily excitable around those that she trusts. despite her apparent lack of a mouth, she still has the ability to speak via magic, and her voice comes across like a slight breeze near the listeners ears. 

her name may sound silly for both her profession and her uh. face. but she chose it herself long ago and has grown very fond of it.

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