Clive Chester



3 years, 6 months ago


loyal boyfriend


Age 30

Gender Male

BIRTHDAY August 18th

JOB Detective/Cop

Headcanon seiyuu Tomokazu Sugita


Clive is Catherine's boyfriend. He is with Catherine since Junior High School. He isn't good at expressing his feelings.

Clive likes playing piano. He practiced piano since elementary school. Catherine fell in love with him because she saw Clive's piano performance at school festival. Beside piano he can also play keyboard.

❁⃘*.゚The World Where Catherine Died

Clive is a serious, stoic detective that has determination to uncover the truth of Catherine Lindberg's death. He was Cat's boyfriend. 

At that fated day 15 years ago, Clive was sick and didn't come to school. While he was resting at night, he received phone call from Cat's mother asking her whereabout. Clive didn't know anything and just said probably she went sleepover at Erina's house, because Cat often did that.

Clive wanted to call Erina but it was already night and Clive also neeeded more rest. He decided to call her tomorrow morning.

In the morning, Clive called Erina asking about Cat. But apparently Cat didn't come to Erina's house. Erina told Clive that the last time she saw Cat was in Literature Club's room.

Panicked, Clive called Cat's mother. Cat hadn't came home yet. Even though Clive was still not well, he ran to the closed school searching for Cat.

Nobody was there. He tried to trace Cat's steps when going home. At the way home, he found one of Cat's hairclip lying in the dirt. He was sure that was Cat's hairclip because he was the one who gave them as present. Clive knew something was wrong.

After Cat was found dead, he told the police about the hairclip but the police didn't want to hear what he wanted to tell. Therefore, he thought that there was a conspiration in police force to cover the truth of Cat's death. He became a cop to find the truth of Cat's death.

As a cop, he is not strong physically but he is one of the smartest cop in Serious Crime Division of Daylily Police HQ. His arrest numbers are always the highest or second-highest every year. He is often praised by the leader of Serious Crime Division.

Despite that, he feels he is not that competent because he is stuck at solving Catherine's case. He is in a dead-end.

Because of his skill on playing keyboard and piano, he becomes keyboardist of Serious Crime Division Band and performs every time the band has schedule to perform, like on Daylily Police Festival.

In Daylily Police HQ, he is famous among the girls because of his cool and calm personality. Even girls from other divisions know him. On Valentine he always gets a lot of chocolates from the girls. Despite of his popularity with the girls, he still can't move on from Catherine (Cat) even though she already passed away.

❁⃘*.゚Catherine's Real Wold

Clive works as prosecutor because it was his dream job. He wanted to give punishment to bad guys. He pursued his dream job because Catherine encouraged him to do it despite his parents wanted him to be a professional pianist.

In Catherine's real world, he is also Catherine's boyfriend since Junior High School. They are so lovey dovey. Sometimes he lives in Catherine's place. He always eats with Catherine because Catherine dislikes eating alone.

He thinks about marrying Catherine but too nervous to propose to her because Catherine is so passionate on her job as a cop (also busy). He is afraid that Catherine would reject his proposal.

"I must uncover the truth about Cat's death at all costs!"

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