Marshmellow Bubblegum



3 years, 6 months ago



Name "Marshii" Marshmellow
Aliases Marshy, Mar-mar, Mars, Marsh, Bubs, Gummy, Sweetie
Biological Age 19
Actual Age 1230
Species Gum Golem/Vampire hybrid
Sex Female
Occupation Multidimensional explorer, Hero, The vampire princess (registared, next in line after Marceline), Musician
Significant other(s)

Princess Kumaneko

Marshii (full title: Marshii the Vampire Princess) is a humanoid gum golem vampire and a multidimensional traveler. She is mostly seen in her anthropomorphic bat form when traveling through dimensions, she refuses to reveal her main identity form on different worlds unless she feels comfortable or needs too. She loves exploring different dimensions with her bestest friend Berry, a short Dragobear bear. She's also a hobbyist musician who plays an electric keybored guitar, a portable piano that was a gift from her mother, that was made into a guitar. Marshii is the only other known vampire, and the only vampire princess as her mother is the vampire queen. She is also considered as the first "successful creation" who is extremely powerful, that was created by Princess Bubblegum.


  • Pastel colors
  • Plushies
  • Nature
  • Exploring


  • Food
  • Sunlight
  • Loud noises
  • Annoying people

Powers and Abilities

Power lvl
Physical ability


Marshii has the ability to shape-shift and alter specific parts of her body, as she is mostly shifted into her anthro bat form during exloration. She also shifts into a bigger bat version with slight changes in apparance and big bat wings. She can shift into any animal/creature given time to see and examine them long enough.

Common Elemental

Marshii, like many others, have the common basic elemental magic being able to breath fire, shoot ice, cause lightning, control water and earth as well as other elements such as candy and slime. Knowing these elements there are only a few moves she knows based off these like, Flame breath, ice breath, lightning punch, ect.

Basic Magic

Much like elemental Marshii knows basic magic as well, such as psychic abilites, levitation, flight, portal creation, and others. She has the ability and power to create portals to different dimensions, which can only be done by powerful beings, showing that Marshii is much powerful then she seems to be. She can also can turn invisible at will and levitate at times if she doesn't want to walk.




Marshy in her humanoid form

Marshii is a humanoid gum golem vampire, while she does have a humannoid form she is mostly seen in her anthropomorphic bat form. As a bat she has pastel lemon colored fur that coveres her whole body. She has white that goes around her mouth down to her neck fluff that reaches on her arms and stops around half of her shoulders. She has light pink arms and feet. She has short bob cut like hot pink hair with a small sprout growing on her head. She has big bat ears that stick out on the sides of her head. She has a heart shaped bat nose and sharp fangs with the left one missing. She has a big fluffy red pana tail that is hot pink with white cloudy stripes. She has dark purple eyes and teal pupils. She has hot pink freakles across her face. Her main outfit is a black sports bra and short ripped pants that appear as shorts. She wears big violet red boots. She is able to shapeshift into different forms but her usual form is her basic bat form but bigger and slightly different. She shifts her hair into the same pastel lemon color as her white neck fur grows bigger and stops under her stomach. She grows to dark purple wings and her pupils grow bigger.


Marshii's past is mostly unknown for the most part. She can only recall small visions or blurry snips of her youth, saying she might've been born as an experiment. It is unknown what really happened other then some outside force ticked off her inner powers and she accidentally created a portal that seperated her from that demension. Marshii was looked around 6 when she was sent to her home dimension where she meets Berry, her adoptive guardian and best friend. Marshii eventually grows up to become a multidimension traveler for herself and her friend Stardust. Though being a vampire, Marshii is immune to sunlight and has no visible bite marks as she wasn't bit but born with the vampirism inside her. Confirming that she is indeed an experiment created with both gum and vampire DNA.


Marshii was created by Princess Bubblegums, from a wad of her hair and the DNA of Marceline. It started off as a small joke that Marceline made about having a kid run around, soon after Princess Bubblegum thought about this too much and decided tp bring up the topic again. In fear of creating another "monster" (refering to Bubblegums created family, Goliad, and Marcelines vampirism and demon DNA) scared that mixing their DNA could go horribly wrong, based off Bubblegums unsuccessful creations of her own DNA. After some thought they decied to base it off a Gum Golem and use a small hint of some newly developed "Dum-Dum Juice" to shorten her intelligence to make her a bit more docile and simple minded, in hopes she won't turn evil. As she was created the both agreed that only they can see and teach Marshii, as the main reason why Goliad went wrong is because of how Finn and Jake handled her in teaching. As so Marceline taught and helped Marshii improve her powers as Bubblegum was the main one teaching her basic education. As a child, Marshii was always excited and bubbly who loved to explore the world around her. Marshii was mostly close to Marceline, but loves both her parents equally very much. Marshii's childhood personality mostly takes on Marceline's as they are both goofy and both like to pick on Bubblegum often calling what she does "nerdy" and messes with her time to time. Though Marshii does this more then Marceline as she knows when to stop, unlike Marshii who will mostly will keep going to the point where she gets scolded. During sometime in a few short years something happened in an alternet dimension in which affected Marshii as well. Being sensitive to power and having no controll in her powerful abilites, Marshii was affected hard mentally and physically as the power triggered something in her in which she responded unconsciously with a great amont of power. During this breakdown she creates a portal in which sends her into Mapleforest, knocking her out in the process. As that was happening Marceline was devistated and worried sick about her child, though Bubblegum reassures her that she is fine explaining that she plated a seed in her that appears to be the same one that is on her head. The seed is a magic Chrysanthemum flower, in which it grows as Marshii does. Bubblegum is able to view the flower's condition as she has a similar plant with her that is hooked up to a health monitor. Bubblegum explains that as long as the plant is healthy and is showing signs of life and strength then Marshii is still alive and healthy, as the plant is a part of her, If she dies then so does the plant on her head and the one with Bubblegum. Bubblegum comforts Marceline in the loss of their child but are still happy that she is still alive and growing. Bubblegum spends most of the day researching multi-dimensions in trying to find a way to get Marshii back. During this Marshii has been living on her own, teaching herself how to live while taking what her mothers tought her to heart. During her mid-teens Marshii runs into Berry who eventually takes her in as his adoptive sister, helping her and taking care of her. Marshii currently, who is in her late teens, Is an offical multi-dimensional traveler along side Berry in which they explore different lands, dimensions, and places. Marshii is secretly trying and hoping to open a portal back to OOO but keeps failing as she doesn't remember what it looks like or the name. Because Marshii used up so much of her power when going into Mapleforest, this causes her to become weak and easier to get sick. As she lands into the forest, she hits the ground too hard in which messes up her memory of what happened and parts of her childhood. She remembers she was created, and most of her parents personality but forgot their names and who they were. Though during some of her travels, she sees and slowly remembers bits and pieces of her childhood. She travels to OOO at one point but leaves sometime later before Bubblegum could locate her in time, though not remembering her home she does feel a sense of home and realizes at some point after she leaves that she should've stayed longer.


Marshii is quiet and shy, spending most of her time drawing or reading as she enjoys quiet places. Despite her quiet nature she tends to get aggravated easily and upset if things don't go as she expects it. She seems to be get ticked off easily if you pester her enough as what Berry does most of the time. Though she usually apologizes and calms down shortly after. Marshii finds the fun in most things as she tries to make the best out of any situation.



Princess Kumaneko [ Girlfriend ]

Princess Kumaneko is Marshii's loving girlfriend. From the first meeting Marshii states that she's very pretty but quickly adds that "I just think that all princesses are pretty." Meaning it is possible she fell for her on first sight but brushed it off as she wanted to get to know her at first. Marshii loves her feisty attitude and how stubborn she can be at times, often teasing her about her attitude. Marshii also loves the goofy and clumsy side of her as she stats as "adorable" Marshii and Princess Kumaneko often go on adventures together if Marshii needs a hand, otherwise Marshii will most likey visit her once or twice a week. Marshii is very sensitive and a mess around her often cuddling or nuzzling into her for comfort.


Gummy [ Best friend ]

Gummy is Marshii's best friend and loyal side kick. Gummy often joins Marshii in exploring different worlds and helping others. He often annoys Marshii for fun but most of the time tries to reason with her if she goes off track. Though being best friends he considers her family.


Stardust Nova [ Friend ]

Stardust is Marshii's friend and science partner. Marshii is mostly a part time scientist for Stardust, as she travels through dimensions giving her details about the worlds she visited for Stardust to study.

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