509 "Ekix"



3 years, 6 months ago



(they/them)(later she/her as well)


The youngest clone and currently the last acceptable candidate to succeed their father. They are obedient, skilled, and only occasionally lash out. Their father’s benefactors have high hopes for them and frequently test them by sending them on missions with Schae’s team or with Weiss to see how they behave in high risk high stress situations. They don’t speak much and have an intense feeling about them that’s off-putting to others. When they are with their childhood friend Tahlia, they’re like an entirely different person, becoming gentle and affectionate. They care about her more than anything else and would do anything to keep her safe. A large reason why they are being so obedient is to buy time to plan Tahlia’s escape. They are clever and calculative but struggles with immense feelings of guilt. They have a complex about their father not taking responsibility for what he’s done, so someone has to do it so it may as well be them. They are a favorite target of Ezekial’s manipulation and is deeply afraid of genuinely becoming like their father. They avoid violence but if they have to do it for the sake of others they will, but never for themself. They are afraid of small animals because they’re too easy to hurt. At their core they are gentle but deeply distrustful and protective of the people they love.