$5's Comments

If they are available for the $5 I’m interested!

yes they are! you can send the money via paypal ( [email protected] ) or cashapp ( $osteogoat ) :D

Payed via Cashapp!

got it! transferring now :)

Anyone in my th interest u?

i didn’t see any characters i’d use, sorry!

I can offer anyone on Xelqua ! :D

i didn't see any characters i thought i'd use. thank you for offering tho!! :D

anyone in here? (excluding those with a $ in their name and preferably with a similar amount/quality of art) https://toyhou.se/osteogoat/characters/folder:3045176

if you're interested in a tentative offer/entertaining offer character, i will want to draw this character before accepting. if i decline the trade, you get to keep the art i make :)

Hey, sorry about the late reply! Would you be okay with trading both characters you commented on for this guy? 

yeah, i’d be down for that!! i’ll get him transferred over :)

Do you see anyone on my profile you might be interested in? Anyone that isn't in 01, 05, or pending is available! Some I'll be a little more tent with, but if any peak your interest lmk!

Nothing really caught my eye, unfortunately!

That's alright, thanks anyway!

Is this lovely still open by chance? <3


Omg awesome! I can do art, customs, or trades for you if you want! :)

Ah, sorry, your art isn't exactly what I'm looking for. My apologies!