


7 years, 2 months ago


Nic, Sergei and Jin know each other since highschool, Nic and Jin used to date but they eventually broke up but eventually got back together. They share a nice appartment in the middle of a small city. Nic and Jin bring most of the income with their cashier jobs but Sergei help as much as he can with his online sales, he also go to cons where he sell prints and dakis (this is where he make the most profit).

Name: Nicolai Wallace Name: Sergei Wallace Name: Jin O'Doblin
Nickname(s): Nic, Nico, Nicky Nickname(s): Sergy, Sergy-poo, Serg Nickname(s): Dobs, Doblin-Goblin, Jino
Age: 28 Age: 27 Age: 30
Height: 1,85m Height: 1,80m Height: 2,10m
Gender: Trans male Gender: Male Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pan Sexuality: Aro, love vaginas Sexuality: Unsure
Occupation: Manager/Cashier Occupation: Online Artist Occupation: Cashier
Hobbies: Reading, stargazing Hobbies: sewing, cosplaying, cooking Hobbies: Watching romance Drama
Talents: playing Sax and guitar Talents: Drawing and sewing Talents: None (?)


 Various fun facts:

  • In high school Nic was a scene kid, Jin sorta goth/emo and Sergei was that one Yu-Gi-Oh + Digimon fan (he hated Magic the gathering and pokemon tho)
  • Nic always has and still do love the idea of D&D but he never played it. he do watch and listen to ppl playing, dreaming one day he'll play
  • Sergei play a lot of OW but his guilty pleasure game is to play Minecraft Hardcore with friends.. he never talk about it online tho
  • Jin is kinda lost romance wise and isn't sure what he's attracted to nor how things work. he watches a lot of romance drama in hope to learn he's not aro like Sergei tho, he just have a hard time telling if what he feel is romantic love or friendly love, it's really blurry for him
  • Sergei likes all kinds of theories, cartoon one, video game ones, irl ones, any really
  • Nic hate when people tell him pink or anything he wear is "girly"
  • Sergei probably sell photo-pack of his cross-dressing cosplay online
  • Nic probably secretly listen to kpop but dont tell anyone
  • Jin feel bad about his height a lot. He used to be made fun of in the past, hitting the door frame is humiliating also
  • Sergei like being the size he is, but he also sorta want to lose weight, Not too "look better" but just to sweat less on hot days XD
  • Nicolai can't swim much, he prefer to stay on the shores and dip his toes. on the opposite Jin is a great swimmer and diver
  • Sergei & Jin both know a tiny bit of sign language because once Sergei blew firework too close to his ears and was almost deaf for a week so Jin though it might help to start learning it in case it got worse or something
  • Jin likes to keep his nails long, he even used to paint them black (edgy phase). Nic like to do Jin nailcare even before they started dating
  • Sergei dip his chips in peanut butter, fight him!
  • Nic loves big hats but isn't super comfy wearing them in public
  • Nic however have no troube showing off his collarbones, he knows Jin likes'em
  • Jin has a collection of high heels that he hardly ever wear but he love them to death (he still wear heeled shoes but not highhigh heels)
  • Sergei lowkey wish he had a bit more of an hourglass figure
  • Sergei dont give a shit about what people think of fashion. he waer whatever he godam please as long as he can fit his ass into it
  • Jin hates bananas
  • Sergei earn the less money in the house but also spend the most (furry shit aint cheap!)
  • Sergei likes to wear missmatching socks and it upset Nic a lot
  • Jin cant cook for shit, he's not to be trusted around the stove or in the kitchen at all
  • Jin doesn't like to show more skin than necessary. Even when it's for something like swimming, he prefer the bodysuit than boxer/speedos
  • Pregnant women kinda freak the fuck out of Sergei
  • BEING Pregnat freak out Nic just as much
  • Sergei is a dog person, Nic a cat person and Jin a bird person. As they cant agree on 1 pet to own, they dont have any at the moment
  • Jin bought the small house the trio live in
  • He's also the one who found a job for both him and Nic
  • Jin has a Bac L while Nic has a Bac STG. Sergei dont have any Bac, he dropped out quite early
  • If he could, Jin would work in a daycare but he doesn't have the time nor the money to take the classes he'd need to get this kind of jobs
  • While all three love coffee, Nic is step above, he probably drink 3 times more coffee than his roommates
  • Nic want to get operated to have a dick, but he's also too terrified to do so. He's pretty much stuck in a should'I/should'not state of mind
  • Nic got a packer, Sergei bought it for him as a birthday present. He's too emotionally attached to it put it in his pants tho. kinda like being gifted a piece of food so pretty you cant eat it if that makes sense