Jemon Morale



3 years, 6 months ago




 NAME   Jemon Morale 

 PRONOUNS   They/them He/Him 

 AGE   24 

 RACE/SPECIES   Half-elf 

 GENDER   Non-Binary 

 ORIENTATION   Bisexual 

 CLASS Rogue/ Ranger


Jem began as a rugged, homeless-looking soldier who was haunted by the memories of their past. Slowly, and thankfully they began to open up to a band of misfits. All either running from something, or towards something else. And as much as they will never admit it, these are the only memories they want to cherish. Forever.

Status: Resurrected


  • Fresh Baked Bread
  • Rum and Wine
  • Farm animals
  • Daggers
  • Loyalty


  • Orcs
  • Small spaces
  • Slavery
  • Heat
  • Themselves


  • Their backstory originally involved a coliseum, but was scrapped before handing it in to the DM. Yet the DM included the coliseum in Jem's story arc anyways. 
  • Thorne was their bully growing up, and even broke their ankle when Jem was just trying to comfort him about his mom's death.  
  • All but one of Jem's facial scars are from Orcs. Their chin scar is from a coyote that stumbled onto the property and almost ate Elgar. That's how they met. 
  • Jem has named all of their weapons after dead people, except their handmade dagger. Which they named Caspian, after the person who gave them the gift. 
  • Their favourite childhood book was called "The Adventures Of Lance Flintlock and Gus Musket". Which they switched acting out scenes from that book with Elgar, and hunting monsters in Elgar's Monster Encyclopedia. 


  • Jem has black hair from their father, and green eyes from their mom. For realism art, I've always pictured Jem as asian-caucasian mix. 
  • Most of Jem's scars are random aside from the ones on their face, and the 32 scars stretching up and down their back. Also the teeth marks from the roper battle around their waist. 
  • They are exactly 5'11 and 3/4. Because I wanted a tall character but the party is made of giants apparently. 
  • They are quite muscular, despite being drawn as a twink 90% of the time. Not their fault, I just draw twinks. It's hard to do anything else.
  • They've gone through several different outfits and hairstyles. As long as you include these three things it's Jem: Their scars, their hair colour, and the leather harness. With the exception of Laufi's slut outfit. 


They don't know how to cope in awkward social situations or emotional moments. They weren't ever taught how to deal with these things, and they highly regret never learning. Especially when they see their friends hurting and there's nothing they can do about it. 

Jem is easy to anger, especially when it comes to two things: Orcs in general, and anything that could possibly threaten their friends (and that's on trauma sis). They've been working on this though, and they don't outright say how much they hate a person's face anymore. But they're definitely thinking it. 

Jem is very much a people pleaser. It doesn't matter if it's their best and closest friend, or a stranger, they will try and say and do what they think the other person wants them to do. They just don't want to create more conflict than it's worth. But also in a chance between fight or flight, Jem will always choose fight. 

They do have an aggressive nature, that Jem has worked on trying to fight ever since the Battalion took Belial. They see themselves as a monster, because secretly, they like taking lives. There's a certain pleasure in it. But they don't want to be like that anymore.

They also suck at learning lessons. I don't know why, but that is definitely a character trait that literally only worked out in war. 



Jem was born to the human Cornelius, and the high elf Kalliope in the village of Belial in Katril. The two had been neighbors for much of Cornelius's younger years. Which developed from neighbors, to friends, to lovers. She had moved onto Cornelius's property once the two had gotten married, and shortly after Jem was born. 

They spent many days tending to the animals and securing their property. It was a perfect little family, even with a sweet but small halfling family next door. The village small, but peaceful and their was a tight-knit community among them. Jem spent many of their days with Elgar, either playing games on their property or helping Zeke Encantrado out at the bakery. Jem always thought they would spend their whole life in their peaceful village. They never wanted to leave. 

Until they couldn't leave. 

When Jem was no more than ten years old, Orcs had invaded Belial. It wasn't a complete surprise, given the war that had been raging just outside the village's limits for many months. But no one truly knew just how unprepared for the invasion they were. There weren't many adventurers or fighters in the village, and the ones that had resided in Belial were immediately killed. 

To be the Orcs' slaves, you couldn't be too strong, but strong enough to pull carts and do the heavy work in the fields. You couldn't be too weak, but weak enough to not be able to rise against them. Jem themselves, had no plans of sticking around. After a distraction was made by their father, Jem ran for the hills. Thinking if they got far enough way they could find help. 

That was very misguided of them. 

They only had a slim chance of escape that hadn't panned out. The Orcs dragged them back forcefully to the town square and gave Jem a choice. To kill their father, or to kill not one, not two, but five children from the village. In the single most important choice they ever made, Jem chose the children. Some they knew, some they didn't. And somehow, it still made their father proud in his last moments. Not that Jem ever forgave themselves for it. Not to mention, in order to keep the rest of Belial from rebelling, the Chieftains kept Cornelius's body hung in the town square as a warning. 

As the years went on, slaves began coming from all around Katril. They stayed in the stables, and got to work everyday. Jem, feeling responsible for many of their townsfolk, took care of them the best they could. They fell asleep last every night, and woke up first every morning. Made sure everyone ate at least once a day, and they tucked properly in at night. 

From the farmwork and errands Jem participated in, they put on some muscle that impressed the Chieftains enough. They were very convinced that Jem's will had broken the night they killed their father, and furthermore when they ripped Jem from their mother's arms the following week. So the chieftains decided to train Jem in combat to fight for them. 

But they were wrong. 

Jem, with the last few strings of their mental health, devised a plan. Their first attempt of escape. Sneak away in the night, take out the front guards at the gate and once they were over the fortified walls, the slaves would make a break for the fence. Crossing into Vedra and disperse to begin their new lives. 

That was optimistic, but not completely in vain. Jem did take out the guards, and got almost have of the slaves over the wall. Unfortunately, Thorne (their childhood bully, yet one of the kids that Jem chose over their father) had ratted the slaves out. Now, the chieftains had stripped Thorne of his entire identity and masculinity. He decided that if someone spoke up then the punishment wouldn't be as bad. It was the best decision Thorne could make at the time. 

Some slaves were caught on the way to Vedra, others were killed, but many did escape. And that was something Jem could be proud of. Even through their punishment. Jem was tied up next to their father's still-rotting corpse, and lashed sixteen times in front of all the slaves for rebelling. But the chieftains had too much time and effort into Jem, and wasn't willing to kill them just yet. Instead, they chopped off the head of a 13 year old tabaxi named Luna that Jem had become a surrogate father to. Once again, sticking her head on a spike and keeping it in the town square. 

For two years Jem bided their time, pulling together the slaves once more and getting everyone (including Thorne) on the same page. In the midst of this, the Orcs had given up on treating the slaves with water, medicine or food. They had to completely fend for themselves. And through this, another child that Jem swore to themselves to protect died. As a matter fact, Jem was the one who had to give the killing blow. 

That was the last of Jem's innocence. The only thing left of them was rage. Thanks to Amalthea (the only girl Jem ever really talked to, and another child Jem chose over Cornelius), Jem was saved and lived to kill another day. This time, they realized peace was never an option. They had to take back Belial, or die trying. They attacked in the middle of the night, slicing the throats of sleeping Orcs and shooting them off out of outposts and off of the walls. 

Except for the chieftains. 

Once Jem had gained complete control of Belial by dawn, they had removed their father's body and Luna's laying them both to rest. And then tied up the Orcs and stoned them to death in the town square, completing and ending the cycle and their reign of terror. 

After gaining control of Belial, Jem got a few leads off of the letter that had been sent to the deceased Chieftains. Their mother was still alive somehow, after all these years. Jem left the next morning for Vedra, searching for their mother. With a parade of praise from their slave family, an awkward kiss from Amalthea, all the support in the world from Elgar, and a sarcastic quip from Thorne. All of who were healing, thanks to Jem's actions. 

But even though so many people looked up to them, and were so thankful for having their lives back, Jem could never forgive themselves. If they hadn't made a break for it, their father would still be alive. If they hadn't rebelled, Luna and Galen would be okay too. And all this murder, and "justice" had turned them into a monster, just like the very thing that Jem sought out to destroy. 

For four years Jem travelled between the two countries alone, with no contact to their old Battalion. No friends to call home. All in search for their mother who they weren't even sure was still alive. Hell, Jem wasn't even sure if they wanted to be alive anymore. 

 But something unexpected and magical happened after travelling alone for so long. It just sucks that this "magical" thing took form of two humans, and two high elves. All with their own secrets, but it somehow just worked. 


I also want to work on this later, mostly because there's A LOT to go over. 


ELGAR  Childhood Best Friend 

After Kalliope's family moved away, Elgar and his mom moved in on the property next to Jem's They met after an unfortunate event with a coyote, and were close ever since. Elgar always tried to read to Jem, but Jem would always get super excited about what they were reading and couldn't focus long enough to actually learn anything. 

Once the Orcs took over, Jem basically saved Elgar's life more than once. Jem chose Elgar over their dad, got Elgar out of the way after Elgar threw up on an Orc's shoe, and encouraged Elgar to get the slave work done. Because if he was too weak to work than the Orcs would've had him executed. Elgar is home, Elgar is kind, Elgar is family. 

AMALTHEA  Close Friend 

Amalthea wasn't anyone to Jem before the Orcs took over. She was just a nice, older girl who helped patch them up when Jem got in over their head. A lot of people made fun of her too, so Jem thought there was nothing wrong with being nice to her. 

After Belial was overrun, Amalthea became a safe haven. Unfortunately, she was the only one left to patch Jem up. The two stayed close because Jem didn't really have many other people. While Jem looked after every other slave, Amalthea took care of them. And uh, she was Jem's first kiss. And the first person (not including their parents) to tell them she loved them in their entire life. Now Jem didn't share the sentiment with anything other than a very awkward fist bump.

Jem wasn't completely sure she was going to show when Jem had to go do training, but she was the only person they felt like they could trust with something like this. They tried their best not to overshare information on the party. But when they returned, it seemed like Amalthea had handled herself very well.


THORNE  Frenemy 

This was a very one-sided rivalry in their formative years. Thorne wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps and become a soldier for Katril's army. He was very proud to be her son. But it also felt like his father was replacing him with Jem, so Thorne hated Jem. Especially when they did nothing wrong, and were super nice to him. He despised Jem's innocence and what Thorne believed was weakness. 

Now after the Orc raid, Thorne was changed. Almost completely compliant to the Orcs. And for the first time in their friendship, Thorne just wanted to make sure what happened to him never happened to anyone else. But Jem fought, and with both Thorne, Amalthea, Elgar and the rest of the Battalion by their side, they won. Ever since then Thorne has looked up to Jem, but would rather die than admit it. 

AERILYN  Old friend 

Jem felt very thankful towards Aerilyn for being so friendly, but to be honest they always thought she had a few screws loose. That didn't stop the two from bonding and becoming what Jem considered a good friend. Choosing between Mercy and Aerilyn was very difficult for them, but it came down to Jem's leadership skills. And Mercy was the least likely person to put everyone else in danger. But lately they've been regretting this decision more and more as of late. 

ALVEYN  Ex-Almost 

Alveyn was the most unexpected, and yet the most exciting part of Jem's life thus far. The couple months they shared with their schemes, and heists, and the time spent in bed together are things that Jem will always cherish. And to be honest, Jem was planning a future with him. They just didn't think Alveyn would ever feel the same way. 

But it is thanks to Alveyn that Jem was able to open up enough to fall for Lew. Alveyn reminded Jem what it was like to feel love, warmth, and kindness again. Jem will never be able to repay that debt. 

FAYE  Friend 

She is fun and interesting. It feels organic having Faye here, and she doesn't seem so doomed in comparison to the rest of us. Sure, Jem and Faye probably don't share many values. But Jem has never met anyone so charismatic in the way they hold themselves. It's admirable, and they really want to talk to her more. 

LAUFI   Friend 

Jem is so greatful that Laufi is back in his own body. They're concerned how he is holding up, and hopes Laufi knows if there is anything Jem can do to help the transition from sword to elf go, Laufi can trust them. I mean, without him Jem wouldn't have their body back. He was also the first person Jem was able to kind of open up to since hell. It was nice to talk, even for that small bit. They hope there will be mroe moments in the future to bond both ways 

LEWELLYN  Ex-Girlfriend 

They didn't get everything out that they wanted to say, but what they did say felt good enough. They worry about her, but it's not their place anymore. The truth is, and they would never say this to her face, but Jem isn't sure if what the two had together is love. Jem knows they love her, completely and unapologetically so. Permanently. But they have to wonder if all the times she purposely cut them out of her life in most ways besides dragging them along by the string of their hope is something someone would do to another person they love. Because Jem would've never done anything like that to her. Not once. But if it wasn't love, then what else could it have been?

LOVI   Friend 

Jem really cares about and trusts Lovi, maybe more than anyone in the party. Lovi did his best during Jem's identity crisis to try and comfort them, even if it didn't work Jem appreciated the effort. They want to apologize but don't know how. Maybe one day the two can just sit down, play some cards or something and really talk. That's what Jem wants.  

KUMO   Acquaintance 

Kumo is... an odd one. He's kind, helpful and enthusiastic, and Jem appreciates what they bring to the group dynamic. But Jem can't help but notice how often Kumo leaves, for an indeterminate amount of time. He's always alone, and as far as they can tell, no one else knows about it either. Maybe one of these days Jem is gonna have to repay the favour, and follow Kumo to see what he's up to.  

MERCY  Friend 

Jem wants Mercy back so badly for so many reasons. Mostly because they can't lose anyone else from the beginning. Jem knows they've changed so much, and they were one step away from reverting back to the heartless killer they were before Vedra. And there's a part of Jem that believes if they get Mercy back, the she could help keep the past in the past. That's a lo of pressure to put on her, but she doesn't have to know. She just has to come home. 


Jem couldn't live knowing that it would've cost Volstigg less time to survive. They hope he survived somehow, they pray that Volstigg is down there with Mercy and that they're both safe. Jem never thought they'd miss him this much, but it feels so much worse that Volstigg was willing to die for Jem and they barely gave him an inch. 

UMBRA   Ally (?) 

Jem has given up on Umbra. They know he's dangerous with that thing inside him, and is still beyond frustrated that they have to try and feel safe around him. If that demon shows, Jem doesn't care. They will go for the kill. Nobody may forgive them for that, but they know it's the right choice. 

BLEISIANS   Friends 

Szen: probably the person in the group that Jem is closest to, as they have some tricks and tips for one another and Jem slightly admires him because of those things. 

Helra: she is incredibly cool. Jem has never seen someone who builds tools and things to help others quite like her. She's also funny, eben if she's kind of aggressive. But what really sends it home for Jem is that she was thinking of them while they were gone. When Jem found that out it made them feel wanted. A feeling that feels foreign when they're with The Remnants and co.

Elkyre: She's scares Jem, but they really want to impress her. She just seems so domineering and in control of the situations. They're hoping, if the groups ever get the chance to fight side by side again, they can show how strong they are and maybe travel with them when magic is fixed.

Lo: they are probably the most distant from Jem in the group. They don't respond well with closed off people, but Jem hopes to find a way to amend it. Even if it is just small tlak over drinks.

DUMAG  One Sided-Enemy 

Jem did a lot of soul searching during their weeks with Morgan. One of those things was coming to the realization that Dumag isn't his parents, and neither is Jem. It would be useless to fight over something that happened in the past where neither of the people who are left alive are at fault. Jem really is sorry for bringing Dumag any unneccessary pain. And all they want currently is for Dumag to start a new life with his family. If Jem can help in any way, they will. 


They would never say it to her face, but Jem isn't sure if they can really move on from their life if Kalliope doesn't regain her memories. They would feel like they'd always have to be there for her, and it may throw a huge wrench in their loose future plans. But they will never make her feel like a burden, so if Jem has to take care of her, so be it. 

MORGAN  Mentor 

Jem's interest in being a ranger sprung from the need of wanting to protect, and move on from their former teachings in Katril. They just want to make sure everyone gets home safely. Morgan really helped with that. On top of being kind and welcoming in spite of their first meeting, Jem has learned a lot that will be room for personal growth. 

ROMY  Friendly (Derogatory) 

Everything was fine between the two of them. Romy was a strong leader that Jem was very willing to follow. He fed them, gave them a home, all without a thank you. Jem understood that being a leader meant sacrifice, and making the hard decisions. But as somebody who has taken countless of lives themselves, Jem can't fathom a good reason to trade so many lives for what? Magic? Another life? Jem needs answers.

Jem will be nice, as to not raise suspicion. But that is as far as it will go.