


3 years, 7 months ago


composed by cinderfall

A Painted Satyr from birth, Marjorie Witherbloom has a large span of memories from a life long-lived. Though she looks youthful, she's nearing her - oh, what was it? Four hundredth birthday? Yes, perhaps that. The magic that resides within her staves off the aging process and crystallizes her in time. She expects she'll push the latter half of a satyr's life expectancy.

In all the time she's been alive, Marjorie has been a collector. As a young girl she collected all the books she could get her hands on, and as she aged that hobby became an obsession. At fifty years old, she lived in a library of her own making, and she was running out of room. There are only so many places to safely keep rare tomes and scrolls without a having a facility for it--so that's what she did! She went off and got herself licensed for a moon orbiting the planet of Raven's Eye with a grant given to her by the sector's government. They said her work was of 'incredible historical importance,' which she, of course, agreed with.

Since then, the Witherbloom Archives has flourished. It's not the most friendly-looking place, and there are a great many wards laid by Marjorie herself to protect her collection from grubby hands, thieves, and the passage of time itself.

Marjorie has grown into an immensely powerful mage over the years, but she has also grown more reclusive. Certainly, she's nosy - she likes to keep an eye on the people around her via scrying or plain old reading - but the fact of the matter is that venturing into the wide world scares her utterly. While a talented temporal and arcane mage, she's quite nervous in open or unfamiliar spaces.

Perhaps three hundred years ago, Marjorie met her sister Agnes. They're not related by blood, but several hundred years of familiarity and the same unending thirst for knowledge have forged a bond between them that can only be described as such. Not more that thirty years ago, she met Basil Tolman, an intern who in time has become one of her most trusted friends and employees. Ten years ago, Basil came to her and asked desperately for help in tutoring his daughter in the arcane, and since then Marie has become something of a daughter to Marjorie herself. Two years ago, Basil and Marie introduced Marjorie to a satyr named Clara who works at their favorite diner, and Clara... Clara is wonderful.