


3 years, 10 months ago


they/them, he/him

an angel, kind of fallen. has a scar down the middle of their face that is met by a scar across the bridge of their nose and across their cheeks. more chubby than lean

Not overly cruel, but at the same time not overly kind. Strives to do good, but sometimes things too far ahead, and ends up affecting nothing. Somethings feels as though the world is playing chess and he is playing checkers. Alternatively, sometimes thinks only short term, doing damage in a way that hurts more than leaving something alone. 

envies gamon for his chaos, and is too prideful to admit his wrongdoings. Gamon and Astiz have had arguments where Astiz simply decides they are right and that nothing Gamon says will be considered. Thankfully, Astiz has grown from that(if only a little, and while perhaps not verbally admitting wrongs, will listen to Gamon while he explains something. 

Gamon does love him, and Astiz does love Gamon. It's complicated, and some part of Astiz wishes they were human if only so they didn't have the confusion of over a thousand years of life behind every decision and thought. 

Astiz would benefit from a nap, some warm soup, and a xanax. any order. 

he has known gamon for a long while, and gamon is one of the only beings he hasnt ran off. he does treasure the relationship, but have forgotten to say it out loud.