Ricky LaughStock's Comments

Headcanons :)

- Ricky has tried playing an organ, and it went decently well, even if he was extremely confused about the 3 keyboards

- Ricky is a very good digital artist, and no one knows why he was rejected from art school. Maybe it was his bullying?


Hello, stopping by from the TPBM thread with my thoughts on the bloke

I will say that I like his very simple color pallet and I think it fits well with his overall character.  I like the use of a lot of sharp angles and points, I think it represents his personality well. I also like how long his hair is, it suits the whole asshole rockstar personality he has going on. Big canine teeth are also fun, and I like the red accent in his eyes, a very nice and subtle touch! This whole design very much suits the basis of the character, great job! I would rate this design a solid 8.5/10

From tpbm! Here's the 5 hcs:

~some like to tease him by calling 'em the male Rachel (Glee)—in the words of Kurt Hummel, "She may be difficult, but boy, can she sing"

~once pissed off a guy from another school, who was twice his size. They got into a fight; he lost. He's proud tho that he was able to keep up with the other (somewhat)

~is a surprisingly decent cook, but horrible at baking. Would manage to turn a cake into coal without even trying

~would actually use said coal lol. Likes to break it off into smaller chunks—which require a lot of strength—and do target practise. No need for darts!

~has a tiny potted cactus. No reason. Just thought it'd be silly/cute

For Tpbm forum!

First of all this guy looks sick! His design is just amazing, it conveys his personality perfectly! I am also just loving his hair. I am also a sucker for hyena characters. I am not really one for jerks that are jerks for the sake of being a jerk, but considering he's a striped hyena I think it fits him well with how brutal they are. I think he is written pretty well! His story is neatly fleshed out and I find his relationship with music and his band interesting. Probably not his genre, but he def gives off death metal vibes.

Heya, mad thanks my bro!!! I appreciate it :] and yeah I see how he can give off death metal vibes, he's supposed to be hair metal I think lol. Some people may think he's emo too idk

Though I will correct you  he is a striped hyena, but he grew up with a family of spotted hyenas so that explains his attitude 

Aaa I think I misread it my bad, it’s been a long day lol, also it’s np!

HC: If Ricky was a villain, he would definitely causing more pain and misery to the whole, given that he is a huge bully and a butthole. He'll hurt as many people as he want just to hear their cries, burning down buildings, and worst of all, dropping atom bombs all over the world...That if he wants to become a villain.

Just putting this here so I remember to doodle these two goobers in my free time! (From the thoughts about the OC above thread)

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-His favourite childhood place to go was the aquarium, but he hated the zoo due to the weird smells and nasty animal poops

-He has a huge sweet tooth

HC for Tpbm forum:

he loves Steven king books. Especially pet sematary and IT. He loves all kinds of horror novels, he stays up late with a flashlight reading them in bed. They give him nightmares sometimes but he’d never admit that.