


3 years, 5 months ago




name: sinclair d. benoît
age: 20
gender: cis male
pronouns: he/him
species: human
orientation: gay
relationship status: open
occupation: undergrad student

Alright. Don't freak out. There's a reason he didn't put this on his Bumble profile, but..

Sinclair is the human hand of Death; that is to say, when the God of Death abandoned his post, he left only Sinclair as his mortal incarnate.

That said, Sinclair's just about as regular a dude as you can get. He has little, if any, connection left to the absentee God of Death; he's just trying to get an honest degree as a biochemistry major, but freaks keep cropping up left and right, each trying to prove themselves as more worthy of his position than him. It's not like he wants to be Death, man! He's just a catalyst to Death! Jeez!


Sinclair tends to see the worst in people. Upfront, indifferent, and always on guard, he's quick to bring just about anyone into question. That said, he's not really paranoid.. he's just always on edge, and for good reason.

Yes, as the incarnate of Death, Sinclair tends to be targeted by all sorts of freaks from all over the galaxy. Given that he got very little in the way of guidance from the absentee God of Death, then, it's up to him to deal with it while trying to balance his organic chemistry courses. Of course, he often prioritizes the latter, seeing the former as his undue burden.

Under his veneer of standoffishness, Sinclair is a genuinely kind person, if not constantly exasperated. He's very creative, and thinks with the shrewd mind of a scientist; if he weren't worrying about the cosmic terrors vying for his position, he'd've probably graduated early.


  • TV Girl
  • His Añejo Breeze Pro
  • Neuropathology
  • Freaks
  • Dating apps
  • Cigarettes

  • mauris suscipit bibendum ante in vehicula.
  • pellentesque facilisis dolor sit amet volutpat sollicitudin.
  • etiam tempus efficitur ex, congue rhoncus libero porttitor at. Curabitur porta leo risus, eu porta sapien laoreet at. Vivamus in enim eget metus congue rutrum vel eget risus.
Design Notes

He's got a septum piercing; he prefers pure black and gold horseshoe jewelry.

The circular mark over his left eye is warm to the touch, quite like the rest of his skin. It isn't particularly notable in feel, although he can will it to glow whenever he wants, or if he's particularly agitated and/or using his powers.

He loves wearing tacky anime shirts that he steals from Ciao's apartment whenever he's over.



Sinclair can manipulate matter and mind through symbolic, spiritual gestures. What kinds of manipulations he performs depend on the spiritual import of the gesture.

Becuase he was raised a buddhist, Sinclair draws his powers through performing mudras with his hands. Depending on the mudra, the effect he's channeling is different, and even within a single mudra, he can invoke multiple effects: changes to mentality, psychological attitudes, and very literal physical alterations are some.

To achieve any effect, Sinclair must be completely present (emotionally and physically) and thinking only of the intended result of his action. Because mudras may have many different meanings, the direct manner in which he seeks to invoke it must be on Sinclair's mind in order to be successfully performed.

Direct acts of violence are difficult if not entirely impossible for him to perform due to his religious upbringing, but are possible if he can justify it to himself. His ability is contingent on being pretty creative about the symbolic meaning of any given gesture, which he can achieve pretty easily.


Sinclair's most regularly invoked mudra is the Bhumisparsha mudra.

Here, he invokes the Buddha's attainment of enlightenment and transcendence above earthly temptations. This mudra was used by the Buddha to summon the Earth to bear witness to his victory.

When Sinclair makes the Bhumisparsha mudra with his hands, that is, when his left hand is in his lap, with its palm upwards facing, and his right hand reaches toward or touches the ground, he is spiritually and literally grounding himself as per the principle of this mudra. He calls the Earth to bear witness to his action.

Sinclair can use such a mudra to invoke many different effects: he can steady himself against an oncoming attack, restrain others (literally "grounding" them), use it to clear others minds and calm them down (emotionally grounding them), and on a more intense scale he can destroy them with unknowable force (crushing them.. into the ground. LOL).


YORK Close friends

Yeah, York's alright. I mean, he's more than alright. It's whatever. He and I are close.

Ciao Resident weirdo

..And plug. And friend?

Look, she's kinda weird, but she doesn't ask questions. No one else in this dumb ass city is gonna let me get my breeze bars. Why the fuck did they make the age twenty one? It sucks out here. Anyway, Ciao's just fine. She lets me crash at her place sometimes.

Yukio Resident weirdo #2

I'm staring to take his Jehovah's Witness shtick personally. Not sure when he's gonna get the memo that I'm not into that shit.